Questionnaire Text

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2. Indicate whether the dwelling is:

A. Occupied
[] 1 With people present
[] 2 With people absent

B. [] 3 Unocuppied
Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

2. Indicate if the dwelling is:

As in the previous question, you should indicate if the dwelling is

A. Occupied

1. Occupied with People Present: Fill in this circle if, upon visiting the dwelling, the occupants report to you that they slept there the night before.

2. Occupied with People Absent: If there are indications that the dwelling is occupied, but no one answers. In this case, investigate with the neighbors the reason for the absence. If it is momentary, you should leave it pending, noting the order number of the dwelling on the corresponding Census Questionnaire, and return as many times as necessary.

If, upon retuning, you are able to do the interview and determine that there is more than one dwelling at the same address, then proceed in the following manner:

Use the already "reserved" Census Questionnaire for the first dwelling.

For the other dwelling(s), assign it the number following the last one you filled in on your route, and always record the whole address on the Census Questionnaire.

If, at the end, you aren't able to enumerate it, leave a properly filled out Citation and fill in the circle With people absent on the Census Questionnaire.

B. Unoccupied

3. Unoccupied: It is a dwelling that permanently is not inhabited: For rent or sale. New ones (dwellings being finished or recently finished) that are awaiting their first inhabitants. Temporarily unoccupied (vacation or summer dwellings), for workers that occupy them seasonally, to be demolished, for any other reason.

Remember that if anyone slept in one of these dwellings the night before, it automatically becomes an Occupied Dwelling.

If the dwelling is found unoccupied and you have completed questions 1 and 2, finish the interview and continue on to next dwelling in your Sector.

[The above directions refer to a picture of question 2 in this section of the enumeration form.]

[p. 15]

Questions 3 to 11 will only be asked for Occupied Private Dwellings