Questionnaire Text

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For all individuals 12 years of age and older. [applies to questions 15-18]

15. Type of activity ____

Write as appropriate:

OC = Employed
CE = Unemployed
BT = Looking for work for the first time
QH = Domestic duties
ES = Student
RT = Rentier (rentista)
JB = Retired or pensioner
IR = Disabled or confined
OT = Others

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

Column 15: Employment Status. The employment status or occupational situation of people on the "Day of the Census" will be recorded in this column, with the different situations being distinguished by various groups identified by the letters indicated in the header row [of this column]. The type of people that make up each group is specified below:

Group "OC": (Employed). Includes all people employed on the day of the census, that is, that have a job.

The following classes can be distinguished:

a) People that work for another person who is not a relative, receiving monetary (salary, commission, etc.) compensation or payment in kind (house, food, etc.), whatever the type of work they do;

[p. 36]

b) People who work on a large farm, in a business or industry, or practicing a profession, be it by themselves or with the help of one or more people they pay;

c) People who work for a member of their family on a large farm, in a business, industry, or office, etc., with or without compensation.

In this last situation (without compensation), the person must work at least three hours per day, or its equivalent of two eight-hour days per week.

Also included in group "OC," that is, considered to be employed, will be those people who, on the date of the Census, are not working because of health reasons, vacation, strike, a temporary interruption of their job, or any other reason other than having permanently left [the job].

Group "CE": (Unemployed). Includes people who, on the date of the Census, do not have an occupation or paid job, but who have worked and who are looking for work. Also included are those who aren't looking for work because they have gotten a job that will start after the date of the census.

Group "BT": (Seeking work). Includes people who have never worked and who are seeking their first job.

Group "QH": (Household duties). Includes people who devote themselves to household duties in their own households.

When this work is compensated (monetarily or in kind), as is the case with domestic workers, the person in question will be recorded as employed within group "OC."

Group "ES": (Student). Includes students who devote themselves exclusively to studying.

If a person devoted to "household duties" or a "student" has a compensated occupation on the date of the Census, the person will in fact be part of the group "OC."

[Translator's note: please see comment at beginning of document]

Group "RT": [from Rentista] (Rentier). Includes those who don't work at any compensated activity and live off the profits of their capital.

Group "JB": (Retiree or Pensioner). Includes those people who don't work at any compensated activity and who, because of having done so before under certain conditions, receive a pension. Also included in this group are widows and other people who receive a dependent's pension or a granted pension [pensiĆ³n de gracia].

Group "IR": (Disabled or Imprisoned). Includes all those people who are unable to work at a compensated activity because of a physical or mental handicap, living a cloistered lifestyle, or because of their legal situation (prisoners). If the handicap is temporary, the person will be classified under the group "OC," as long as the person has some form of work secured.

[p. 38]

Group "OT": (Others). Includes all people that can't be classified in any of the previous groups, like minors that don't attend school, the elderly without any economic resources, etc.

Once the information for each case has been recorded in this column, continue with the information pertinent to the next column, column 16, only for those who have been classified in the groups: "OC," "CE," and "BT."

For the rest of the people who belong to any one of the other groups ("QH," "ES," "RT," "JB, "m" [sic, census form states "IR" instead of "m"], and "OT"), that is the end of the census and a horizontal line should be drawn across columns 16, 17, and 18 for the corresponding entries on the enumeration form.