Questionnaire Text

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Female residents of age 12 years and over
[Question 36 to 38 were asked of female residents age 12+.]

38. Live births within the last 12 months

Ask the question: Have you had one or more live births during the last 12 months? Ask the number of boys and girls. Record the number of boys in the "male" box and the number of girls in the "female" box.

_ _ Male
_ _ Female
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Note: Questions 36, 37, and 38 relate exclusively to women, whether present or absent, who reside in the household and are 12 years of age or older.
For male residents 12 years of age or older, you must draw a slash through column 36 and the columns that follow.

Questions 36, 37, and 38 pertain to live births. Thus the questions must be asked of all female residents 12 years of age or older. By live birth, we mean all children born alive, that is, any product of conception that has manifested any sign of life (screams, crying, breathing, heartbeat, etc.) after complete extraction of the body from the mother. Stillborn children, however, which should not be counted for these purposes, are children who died before the complete extraction of the body from the mother (dead fetus), called stillbirths.

Question 38: Live births in the household in the last 12 months
Ask the following questions: "Have you had any live births since the month of November 1997?" "How many boys?" "How many girls?"

Note: You must enter the live births that have occurred in the household in the last 12 months prior to the date of your visit. This largely avoids the telescoping effect.

For example, if you were to visit a household on November 30, 1998, you would record the births of the last 12 months dating back to November 30, 1997. An interviewer visiting another household on November 21, 1998, would record the births dating back to November 21, 1997, etc.

Enter the number of births of males using a single digit in the male coding grid, and the number of births of females using a single digit in the female coding grid.