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Housing: characteristics of the home
(Questions to ask the head of household only)

41. Type of building

Observe the building and circle the appropriate response.

[] 1 Single home
[] 2 Row house
[] 3 Building
[] 4 Concession
Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image
4.3.3 The fourth page - Questions about fertility and housing.

These questions should be asked only of the head of the household or his representative.

Question 41: Type of building

Personally observe the building in front of you and circle the appropriate type:

[] 1 Single home
[] 2 Row house
[] 3 Apartment building
[] 4 Concession

Note that: A single home is a single-story or multi-story building comprised of a single dwelling.

A row house is a horizontal building with several dwellings inhabited by one or more households.

Adjoining duplexes must be classified as row houses.


An apartment building is a tall building comprising several stories divided into dwellings.

A concession is a building comprised of a series of contiguous or non-contiguous houses facing a central courtyard used to house one or more households.