Questionnaire Text

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Questions 17 to 21 are intended for employed persons, apprentices, schoolchildren and students.
If you are both employed and in education/training, answer both columns

Employed persons
If you work in several places, mention your main job base.
If you move around in your job (e.g. driver, railway employee or construction-site worker), indicate where you usually start work.
If you work from home, give your employer's address.

21. What means of transport do you usually use to go to work/school?

Mention all means of transport used on the same day for this journey.

[Employed persons]

[] None, I walk all the way
[] Bicycle
[] Moped
[] Motorcycle, scooter
[] Car (driver)
[] Car (passenger)
[] Factory bus
[] Train (SFR, private railway)
[] Tram, municipal bus, trolley bus
[] Postbus, coach
[] Other (e.g. boat, cable railway)

[Schoolchildren, students]

[] None, I walk all the way
[] Bicycle
[] Moped
[] Motorcycle, scooter
[] Car (driver)
[] Car (passenger)
[] School bus
[] Train (SFR, private railway)
[] Tram, municipal bus, trolley bus
[] Postbus, coach
[] Other (e.g. boat, cable railway)