[This questions were asked of all persons aged 5+]
24. Where did this person live 5 years ago, that is, on May 10, 2006?
Question 24 -- Place of residence 5 years ago
Mark 'born after May 10, 2006' if the person was born after May 10, 2006.
Mark 'lived at the same address as now' if the address has not changed or has changed due to a boundary change or a name change of the municipality, Indian reserve or township.
Mark 'lived at a different address in the same city, town, village, township, municipality or Indian reserve' for persons who lived at a different address in the same city, town, village, township, municipality or Indian reserve.
Mark 'lived in a different city, town, village, township, municipality or Indian reserve in Canada' for persons who lived in a different city, town, village, township, municipality or Indian reserve in Canada on May 10, 2006, and print the name of the city, town, village, township, municipality or Indian reserve, the name of the province or territory, and print the postal code in capital letters.
Respondents should give the name of the city or town rather than the metropolitan area of which it is a part.
Mark the circle 'lived outside Canada' for persons who lived outside of Canada on May 10, 2006, and print the name of the country according to its current boundaries in capital letters.