Income in 2000
51. During the year ending December 31, 2000, did this person receive any income from the sources listed below?
If "yes," also enter the amount; in case of a loss, also mark "loss."
Do not include child tax benefits.
Paid employment:
Dollars ____ Cents _ _
[] No
Dollars ____ Cents _ _
[] Loss
[] No
Dollars ____ Cents _ _
[] Loss
[] No
Dollars ____ Cents _ _
[] No
Dollars ____ Cents _ _
[] No
Dollars ____ Cents _ _
[] No
Dollars ____ Cents _ _
[] No
Dollars ____ Cents _ _
[] Loss
[] No
Dollars ____ Cents _ _
[] No
Dollars ____ Cents _ _
[] No
Dollars ____ Cents _ _
[] Loss
[] No
Part (h) -- Dividends, interest on bonds, deposits and savings certificates, and other investment income
Include: the actual (not the taxable) amount of dividends received from Canadian and foreign corporate stocks and mutual funds; interest from deposits in banks, trust companies, co-operatives, credit unions and caisses populaires; interest on savings certificates, guaranteed investment certificates (GICs), Canada Savings Bonds, other government or corporate bonds and debentures or treasury bills; cash dividends and interest from insurance policies; net rents from real estate, including farm land; mortgage and loan interest received; regular income from an estate or trust fund; investment income received from abroad (report in Canadian dollars).
In the case of a joint investment, report only this person's share.
Part (i) -- Retirement pensions, superannuation and annuities, including those from RRSPs and RRIFs
Include: pension income or survivor benefits from an employee pension plan; payments received from all annuities, including payments from a matured RRSP in the form of a life annuity, a fixed-term annuity, a RRIF or an income-averaging annuity contract; pensions of retired civil servants, Armed Forces personnel and RCMP officers; annuity payments received from the Canadian Government Annuities Fund or an insurance company.
Do not include: lump-sum benefits; withdrawals from a pension plan or RRSP; refunds of overcontributions.
Report severance pay, retirement allowances, and old age, retirement and war pensions received from foreign sources in part (j).
[p. 28]
Report in part ( j) any other regular cash income received in 2000 and not covered in parts (a) to (i).
Include: alimony, child support and any periodic support from persons not in the household; non-refundable scholarships, bursaries, fellowships and research grants; severance pay and retirement allowances; royalties; non-investment income from outside Canada (report in Canadian dollars).
Do not include: money received from gambling, lotteries, the sale of property or loan repayments; Canada Child Tax Benefit (CCTB) and other provincial or territorial child tax benefits; a cash refund of pension fund contributions; lump-sum death benefits or any other one-time, lump-sum payment; lump-sum inheritance or insurance policy settlements or cash gifts; capital gains or losses; income tax refunds.