Questionnaire Text

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23. Answer questions 24 to 51 for each person aged 15 and over.

[Questions 35-39 were asked of persons who had not worked last week, per question 34.]

39. When did this person last work for pay or in self-employment, even for a few days?

Mark "x" one circle only.
[] In 2001 - continue with the next question
[] In 2000 - continue with the next question
[] Before 2000 - go to Question 51
[] Never - go to Question 51

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[Questions 34 to 50 collect information on paid work done by people aged 15 and older.]

Retired Persons

All persons who were retired on Census Day (May 15, 2001) and who did not work at any time between January 1, 2000 and May 12, 2001 should answer Questions 34 to 39 only, and then go directly to Question 51 (Income in 2000).
Some retired persons may have returned to the workforce following official retirement. All retired persons who returned to the workforce between January 1, 2000 and May 12, 2001 should answer Questions 34 to 50.

Question 39 -- Last date of work

Include only: work done for wages, salary, tips, commission, piece-rate payment,
payment in kind (payment in goods and services rather than in money); work done in self-employment; work done without formal pay arrangements by family members for family businesses, farms or professional practices.
Do not include: volunteer work; unpaid housework; unpaid child care; unpaid care to seniors; unpaid home maintenance; leisure activities.