Questionnaire Text

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23. Answer questions 24 to 51 for each person aged 15 and over.

27. How many years of education has this person completed at university?

[] None
[] Less than 1 year (of completed courses)
[] Number of completed years at university _ _

28. How many years of schooling has this person ever completed at an institution other than a university, a secondary (high) school or an elementary school?

Include years of schooling at community colleges, technical institutes, CEGEPs (general and professional), private trade schools or private business colleges, diploma schools of nursing, etc.
[] None
[] Less than 1 year (of completed courses)
[] Number of completed years at community colleges, trade schools, CEGEPs, etc. _ _

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Question 23
Only respondents born before May 15, 1986 should answer Questions 24 to 51.

Question 28 -- Years of non-university, postsecondary education completed

Do not include any courses taken for leisure, recreation or personal interest.
Include schooling in all postsecondary institutions other than university, whether or not a high school diploma was required for entrance. These include non-university teachers' colleges and police colleges.
Report the number of academic years successfully completed, regardless of the length of time it may have taken to complete them.
For persons who received non-university training by correspondence, or attended classes part time during the day or evening, convert accumulated credits to the equivalent number of years in a full-time, regular program.
Career-oriented, technical-vocational courses are postsecondary programs in the province of Quebec and are similar to community-college programs in other provinces.
For persons who studied in the classical colleges of Quebec, consider Belles-Lettres and Rhétorique equal to first- and second-year, non-university training.