18. Is this person an Aboriginal person, that is, North American Indian, Métis or Inuit (Eskimo)?
If "Yes," mark "x" the circle(s) that best describe(s) this person now.
[] No - continue with the next question
[] Yes, North American Indian - go to question 20
[] Yes, Métis - go to question 20
[] Yes, Inuit (Eskimo) - go to question 20
19. Is this person:
[Question 19 is asked of persons who are not aboriginal person, per question 18.]
Mark "x" more than one or specify, if applicable.
This information is collected to support programs that promote equal opportunity for everyone to share in the social, cultural and economic life of Canada.
[] White
[] Chinese
[] South Asian (e.g., East Indian, Pakistani, Sri Lankan, etc.)
[] Black
[] Filipino
[] Latin American
[] Southeast Asian (e.g., Cambodian, Indonesian, Laotian, Vietnamese, etc.)
[] Arab
[] West Asian (e.g., Afghan, Iranian, etc.)
[] Japanese
[] 15 Korean
[] 16 Other, specify ____
Question 17 -- Ethnic origin
This question refers to the ethnic or cultural origins of a person's ancestors. An ancestor is someone from whom a person is descended and is usually more distant than a grandparent. Other than Aboriginal persons, most people can trace their origins to their ancestors who first came to this continent. Ancestry should not be confused with citizenship or nationality.
For all persons, report the specific ethnic or cultural group or groups to which their ancestors belonged, not the language they spoke. For example, report "Haitian" rather than "French", or "Austrian" rather than "German."
For persons of East Indian or South Asian origins, report a specific group. Do not report "Indian". For example, report "East Indian from India", "East Indian from Guyana", or indicate the specific group, such as "Punjabi" or "Tamil."
For persons with Aboriginal ancestors, report a specific group. For example, report "Cree", "Micmac", "Ojibway", "North American Indian," "Métis". Do not report "Indian."