Questionnaire Text

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STEP 10: Answer Questions 20 to 45 for each person aged 15 and over.

Income in 1990
45. During the year ending December 31, 1990, did this person receive any income or suffer any loss from the sources listed below?

Answer "yes" or "no" for all sources. If "yes," also enter the amount; in case of a loss, also mark "loss." Do not include Family Allowances and Child Tax Credits. Consult the Guide for details.
(a) Total wages and salaries including commissions, bonuses, tips, etc., before any deductions

[] Yes

Dollars ____ Cents _ _

[] No

(b) Net income from unincorporated non-farm business, professional practice, etc., on own account or in partnership (gross receipts minus expenses)

[] Yes

Dollars ____ Cents _ _

[] No
[] Loss

(c) Net farm self-employment income from agricultural operations on own account or in partnership (gross receipts minus expenses)

[] Yes

Dollars ____ Cents _ _

[] No
[] Loss

(d) Old Age Security Pension and Guaranteed Income Supplement from federal government only (provincial income supplements should be reported in (g))

[] Yes

Dollars ____ Cents _ _

[] No

(e) Benefits from Canada or Quebec Pension Plan

[] Yes

Dollars ____ Cents _ _

[] No

(f) Benefits from Unemployment Insurance (total benefits before tax deductions)

[] Yes

Dollars ____ Cents _ _

[] No

(g) Other income from government sources including provincial income supplements and grants and social assistance, e.g., veterans' pensions, workers' compensation, welfare payments (do not include Family Allowances and Child Tax Credits)

[] Yes

Dollars ____ Cents _ _

[] No

(h) Dividends and interest on bonds, deposits and savings certificates, and other investment income, e.g., net rents from real estate, interest from mortgages

[] Yes

Dollars ____ Cents _ _

[] No
[] Loss

(i) Retirement pensions, superannuation and annuities

[] Yes

Dollars ____ Cents _ _

[] No

(j) Other money income, e.g., alimony, scholarships

[] Yes

Dollars ____ Cents _ _

[] No

(k) Total income from all of the above sources

[] Yes

Dollars ____ Cents _ _

[] No
[] Loss

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Answer Questions 20 to 45 for each person aged 15 and over, that is, for each person born before June 4, 1976.

Part (j): Other Money Income

Include all other regular cash income not covered in the questions above.
Examples: alimony; child support; periodic support from persons not in the household; net income from roomers and boarders; income from abroad (e.g. pensions) except dividends and interest which should go into part (h); non-refundable scholarships and bursaries; severance pay and retirement allowances; royalties; strike pay.
Do Not include: Family Allowances (baby bonuses) and federal Child Tax Credits; cash refund of pension fund contributions; lump-sum death benefits or any other one time lump-sum payment.