Questionnaire Text

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H5. Is the dwelling in need of any repairs?
Do not include desirable remodelling or additions.
[] No, only regular maintenance is needed (painting, furnace cleaning, etc.)
[] Yes, minor repairs are needed (missing or loose floor tiles, bricks or shingles, defective steps, railing or siding, etc.)
[] Yes, major repairs are needed (defective plumbing or electrical wiring, structural repairs to walls, floors or ceilings, etc.)

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H5. Need for repairs
Regular maintenance includes only those activities that must be performed on an ongoing basis to prevent the house from deteriorating (for example, painting, furnace cleaning, electrical fuse replacement, and hinge oiling).
Minor or major repairs indicate that some part of the dwelling is damaged, defective or not operating properly. Minor repairs include replacing missing or loose floor tiles, bricks or shingles, repairing broken windows and waterproofing bath-tubs. Major repairs include structural repairs to walls, floors or ceilings, the installation of a new roof, and the replacement of deteriorated external siding.
If a dwelling is in need of both minor and major repairs, mark only the Yes category for major repairs (do not mark both circles).