Questionnaire Text

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[Questions H6-H8 were asked of non-farm operators.]

H8. For owners only, answer parts (a) through (f):

(a) What are the total regular monthly mortgage or loan payments for this dwelling?

[] None -- go to part (c)
[] Dollars ____ Cents per year _ _

(b) Are the property taxes (municipal and school) included in the amount shown in part (a)?

[] Yes -- go to part (d)
[] No

(c) What are the estimated yearly property taxes (municipal and school) for this dwelling?

[] None
[] Dollars ____ Cents per year _ _

(d) If you were to sell this dwelling now, for how much would you expect to sell it?

Dollars ____

(e) Is this dwelling part of a registered condominium?

[] Yes -- continue with part (f)
[] No -- go to Step 12

(f) What are the monthly condominium fees?

[] None
[] Dollars ____ Cents per year _ _

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

H8. Shelter costs - Owner
Part (a)

Mortgage payments are sometimes made in other than monthly installments (for example, once a year, twice a year, every three months or weekly). In such cases, to obtain the average monthly amount paid, add all payments made in the last 12 months and divide the total by 12.

Part (b)

If the regular monthly mortgage payments shown in part (a) include municipal property taxes but exclude school taxes, mark the circle labelled No in part (b) and enter the amount of annual school taxes paid directly to school tax collectors in part (c).

Part (c)

Include local improvement taxes with property taxes, even if they are billed separately.

Part (d)

For single dwellings, state the value of the entire property (including the value of the land it is on) and the value of any other structure on the property (for example, a garage).
If this dwelling is located in a building which contains several dwellings or includes both residential and business premises, estimate and report the portion of the market value that applies only to the dwelling in which you live.

Part (e)

Include as condominiums those dwellings which are in the process of becoming registered condominiums.

Part (f)

Condominium fee payments are sometimes made in other than monthly installments. In such cases, to obtain the average monthly amount paid, add all payments made in the last 12 months and divide the total by 12.