Questionnaire Text

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[Questions 31-46 were asked of persons age 15+, per question 30.]

[Questions 39b to 40 was asked of persons 15+ who did not work for pay last week, per question 39a.]
b. Last week, were you on temporary lay-off or absent from your job or business?

Mark one box only.
[] No
[] Yes, on temporary lay-off
[] Yes, on vacation, ill, on strike or locked out, or absent for other reasons

c. Last week, did you have definite arrangements to start a new job within the next four weeks?
[] No
[] Yes

d) Did you look for work during the past four weeks? For example, did you contact a Canada Employment Centre, check with employers, place or answer newspaper ads?
Mark one box only
[] No : Go to Question 40
[] Yes, looked for full-time work
[] Yes, looked for part-time work (less than 30 hours per week)

e. Was there any reason why you could not start work last week?
Mark one box only
[] No, could have started work
[] Yes, already had a job
[] Yes, temporary illness or disability
[] Yes, personal or family responsibilities
[] Yes, going to school
[] Yes, other reasons

40. When did you last work, even for a few days (not including housework or other work around your home)?

Mark one box only
[] In 1981: Answer questions 41 to 46
[] In 1980: Answer questions 41 to 46
[] Before 1980: Go to question 46
[] Never worked in lifetime: Go to question 46