Questionnaire Text

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[Questions 31-46 were asked of persons age 15+, per question 30.]

35. Have you attended a school, college or university at any time since last September? (Include attendance at elementary or secondary schools, business or trade schools, community colleges, institutes of technology, CEGEPs, etc.)

Mark one box only.
[] No
[] Yes, full-time
[] Yes, part-time, day or evening

39a. Last week, how many hours did you work (not excluding house-work or other work around your home)?

Working for wages, salary, tips or commission,
Working in your own business, farm or professional practice,
Working without pay in a family farm or business.
[] None: Continue with questions 39b to 46.
[] Hours (to the nearest hour): _ _ Go to question 41

[Questions 39b to 40 was asked of persons 15+ who did not work for pay last week, per question 39a.]
b. Last week, were you on temporary lay-off or absent from your job or business?

Mark one box only.
[] No
[] Yes, on temporary lay-off
[] Yes, on vacation, ill, on strike or locked out, or absent for other reasons

c. Last week, did you have definite arrangements to start a new job within the next four weeks?
[] No
[] Yes

d) Did you look for work during the past four weeks? For example, did you contact a Canada Employment Centre, check with employers, place or answer newspaper ads?
Mark one box only
[] No : Go to Question 40
[] Yes, looked for full-time work
[] Yes, looked for part-time work (less than 30 hours per week)

e. Was there any reason why you could not start work last week?
Mark one box only
[] No, could have started work
[] Yes, already had a job
[] Yes, temporary illness or disability
[] Yes, personal or family responsibilities
[] Yes, going to school
[] Yes, other reasons