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Question 5. Mark "Now married" if you have a husband or wife who is now living, even if you are temporarily living apart because one of you is employed away from home, hospitalized, etc., but not if you are actually separated or have obtained a divorce.
For census purposes, couples living in a common-law type of arrangement are considered as "Now married", regardless of their legal marital status.
Mark "Separated" if you are separated from your husband or wife due to causes such as desertion or marriage breakdown, or because you no longer want to live together, provided that no divorce has been obtained.
Mark "Divorced" if you have obtained a divorce and have not remarried.

5. Marital status
What is your marital status?
(See guidelines for further information.)

Mark one box only.
[] Now married (excluding separated)
[] Separated
[] Divorced
[] Widowed
[] Never married (single)