Questionnaire Text

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2. Relationship to Person 1
[] Husband or wife or Person 1
[] Common-law partner of Person 1
[] Son or daughter of Person 1
[] Father or mother of Person 1
[] Brother or sister of Person 1
[] Son-in-law or daughter-in-law of Person 1
[] Father-in-law or mother-in-law of Person 1
[] Brother-in-law or sister-in-law of Person 1
[] Grandchild of Person 1
[] Nephew or niece of Person 1
[] Other relative of Person 1 (Print below) ____
[] Lodger
[] Lodger's husband or wife
[] Lodger's son or daughter
[] Room-mate
[] Employee
[] Other non-relative (Print below) ____

For each person in this household, mark "X" one box only to describe his or her relationship to Person 1. If you mark the box "Other relative" or "Other non-relative", print in the relationship to Person 1. Some examples of the "Other" relationships are:
Room-mate's daughter
Employee's husband

For further examples and special cases, see guidelines.

31. What is the highest grade or year of secondary (high) or elementary school you ever attended?

See guide for further information.
[] No schooling or kindergarten only
[] Highest grade or year (1 to 13) of secondary or elementary school _ _

32. How many years of education have you ever completed at university?

[] None
[] Less than 1 year (of completed courses)
[] Number of completed years _ _

33. How many years of schooling have you ever completed at an institution other than a university, secondary (high) or elementary school? Include years of schooling at community colleges, institutes of technology, CEGEPs (general and professional), private trade schools or private business colleges, diploma schools of nursing, etc.

See guide for further information.
[] None
[] Less than 1 year (of completed courses)
[] Number of completed years _ _

34. What degrees, certificates or diplomas have you ever obtained?

See Guide for further information. Mark as many boxes as apply.
[] None
[] Secondary (high) school graduation certificate
[] Trades certificate or diploma
[] Other non-university certificate or diploma (obtained at
community college, CEGEP, institute of technology, etc.)
[] University certificate or diploma below bachelor level
[] Bachelor's degree(s) (e.g., B.A., B.Sc., B.A.Sc., LL.B.)
[] University certificate or diploma above bachelor level
[] Master's degree(s) (e.g., M.A., M.Sc., M.Ed.)
[] Degree in medicine, dentistry, veterinary medicine or optometry (M.D., D.D.S., D.M.D., D.V.M., O.D.)
[] Earned doctorate (e.g., Ph.D., D.Sc., D.Ed.)