Questionnaire Text

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[Questions 22-40 were asked of persons age 15+, per question 21.]

25. Have you ever completed a full time vocational course of three months or longer?

Do not include university or high school courses.
[] Yes, apprenticeship course
[] Yes, other full time vocational
[] No: go to question 26.

c) When did you complete this course or apprenticeship?

[] Before 1946
[] 1946-1955
[] 1956-1960
[] 1961-1965
[] 1966-1968
[] 1969-1971

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

This question refers to full-time vocational or occupational courses of at least 3 months duration taken by you at any time.
Do not include courses leading to a high school diploma or to a university degree, certificate or diploma.
Do not include courses which you are presently taking but have not yet completed, or courses which you commenced but dropped before completion.
Include the following only if they were taken to improve your occupational qualifications: (1) arts and craft programmes; (2) literacy or language courses; (3) investment or homemaking courses; (4) music or other cultural courses.
Courses within the Armed Services should be included, provided they are of 3 months full-time duration and are useful in civilian life.
For recording apprenticeship training, mark in part (b) the entire length of the apprenticeship, not just the part spent in formal class-room or shop instruction.
Be very specific in describing your course (e.g., "house wiring" is more specific than "electricity"; "cabinet-making" is more specific than "woodwork").