Questionnaire Text

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Form 2H: Personal Questionnaire

6. Have you been residing in this urban settlement or rural area district permanently from birth?

[] 1 Yes [to question 8]
[] 2 No
6.1 Indicate the period when you arrived to this locality:
[] 1 Till 2005 [to question 8]
[] 2 From 2005 till October 13 of the current year (indicate month and year): month _ _ year _ _ _ _

6.2 Indicate the place of your previous residence:

[] 1. Republic of Belarus
[] 1 City
[] 2 Urban settlement
[] 3 Rural area
Indicate the name of the city, urban settlement, administrative district _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

[] 2. Other country, indicate name _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ [to question 7.3]

7. Have you lived for more than 1 year in any other country from 2005 till October 13 of the current year?

[Question 7 was asked of persons who arrived at their current residence between 2005 and October 13 of the current year.]
[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No [to question 8]

7.1 From which country did you arrive to the Republic of Belarus for permanent abiding place? ____

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image
33.4. in question 6 "Have you been residing in this urban settlement or rural area district permanently from birth?" the box "Yes" is to be checked for respondents who have been residing in this urban settlement or rural area district permanently from birth. It should be noted that the continuity of residence in a particular locality does not depend on the registration available and on its character (permanent or temporary).

The continuity of residence is not affected by:
- move from one rural area to another within the same administrative district;
- move within the same city;
- all departures from this locality not connected with the change of permanent residence (business trips, leisure trips, visits to relatives, friends, etc., as well as for other reasons) for the period under one year.
The box "No" is to be checked for persons who:
- have lived in the urban settlement not from birth, including those who was born in this locality, but moved for permanent residence (for the period of one year and longer) to another urban settlement or rural area;

- have lived in the rural area of this administrative district not from birth, including those who was born in this rural area district, but moved for permanent residence (for the period of one year and longer) to an urban settlement or rural area of another administrative district.
Respondents with the answer "No" checked in question 6 are to be asked questions 6.1. and 6.2.

In question 6.1, "Indicate the period of your arrival in this locality", for persons who arrived in this locality for permanent residence, an appropriate answer should be completed, and for those who arrived at 2005 and later, additionally the month and year of arrival should be specified.

When choosing the answer to question 6.2. "Indicate the place of your previous residence", it should be noted that administrative and territorial changes that took place after the departure from the previous place of permanent residence are not to be taken into account. For example, if the respondent had previously lived in the rural area, which later was transformed into an urban settlement or included in the city limits, the answer "rural area" is to be marked and the name of the administrative district to be entered;
33.5. In question 7 "Have you permanently lived for more than one year in any other country from 2005 to October 13 of the current year?":
For persons who have permanently lived outside the Republic of Belarus for more than one year in the period from 2005 to October 13, 2009, the answer "Yes" is to be completed; and additionally the enumerator should enter: in question 7.1. -- the country of previous residence, in question 7.2. -- the date of arrival in the Republic of Belarus, and in question 7.3. -- one (main) reason of arrival. For children and other family members of the person who arrived in the Republic of Belarus for work or training, the answer "family circumstances" is to be completed;

The answer "No" should be entered for respondents who did not leave the Republic of Belarus for more than one year. "No" is also checked for respondents working in this period in diplomatic or other missions and consular offices of the Republic of Belarus abroad and for members of their families staying with them;