- persons working for wages or salaries, including commission charges or payment in-kind;
- persons temporarily absent from work by the following reasons:
- illness or injury, care for sick person;
- annual leave or weekend, compensatory leave or time-off, compensation of overtime or work on a public holyday;
- statutory maternity and child-care leave;
- unpaid or paid leave on the initiative of administration;
- rotational or other specialized mode of operation;
- other similar reasons.
- persons working for profit or fee at own enterprise (farm), even if there were no actual work or profit in the period mentioned;
- persons working in their personal subsidiary plot, engaged in production of agricultural products, flower production, fishing, hunting, etc. with the purpose of further sale of all taken and produced;
- persons engaged in purchasing goods with the purpose of further sale thereof or in distributing goods, even if the activity has not been registered.