Questionnaire Text

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A. Person Information

Economic activity

19. What has [the respondent] been doing mainly since Independence Day 2010?

Seasonal work
[] 01 Paid
[] 02 Unpaid
Non-seasonal work
[] 03 Paid
[] 04 Unpaid
[] 05 Job seeker
[] 06 Home work
[] 07 Student
[] 08 Retired
[] 09 Sick
[] 10 Prisoner
[] 12 Other (specify) ________
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All Persons Aged 12 years and over

145. Column A18-A25
These questions apply only to persons aged 12 and years and over. If the person is less than 12 years of age, then when you reach column A16 you should put dashes in the shaded areas for columns A16-A31 and proceed to the next listed person in the household.

148. Column A20: Usual economic activity
Q. What has the respondent been doing mainly since Independence Day 2010?
You must call out all the listed work activities. These work activities are to assist in determining the employment status of an individual. Often one would have been engaged in more than one work activity during the past twelve months. For instance, an individual could have had casual wage employment some months back, but during other months performed an agricultural activity. A person is usually employed if months employed is greater or equal to months unemployed. A person is usually unemployed if months unemployed are greater than months employed. If a person did none of the listed work activities, ask him/her what was his/her main activity in the past 12 months.

Enter the appropriate two-digit code in the shaded area

a. 01 and 02: Seasonal work
Codes 01 and 02 should be used for someone who did seasonal work for payment and for no payment respectively. Seasonal work should be regarded as work or economic activity, which is normally done during certain seasons or periods of the year. An example of this type of work is harvesting which is normally done for three months of the year when it is the time for harvesting. So those people engaging in such activities for no payment like those in family lands etc. should be coded 02. Payments could be in cash, in kind, or any other form.
b. 03 and 04: Non-seasonal work
This refers to economic activity or normal work usually done at all times of the year. Just like in seasonal work above this could also be paid in kind or for cash payment. When the activity is done for payment the code to be used should be 03 and 04 when the activity is done for no pay.
c. 05: Job seeker
A person who was mainly seeking work during the past year should be considered to be actively seeking work.
d. 06: Housework
Remember that either a female or a male could be responsible for daily housework, i.e. cleaning of the house and premises, preparing food, and other household duties. People doing this kind of activity should be coded 06. It should however be noted that domestic servants working for pay are classified as economically active.
e. 07: Student
A student is a person, at least 12 years of age, who, as a result of attending school for most of the day, does not work.
f. 08: Retired
A retired person is someone who as a result of old age, ill health, or other reason is not doing any type of work. It should be noted that a person who has retired from his/her permanent job but at the moment working somewhere (working on contract basis or any paying job) should not fall under this category.
g. Sick
This is a person who cannot or who had to leave work as a result of illness or due to poor health conditions. A medical doctor could have made a recommendation that the person should not work at all.
h. Other (specify)
If a person was doing something else other than in the categories listed above, then write in what the person was doing in the unshaded area of column A20. If you need more space, use the comments box.

[Table omitted.]