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E. Household Information

Housing unit

Water supply
14. What is the principal water supply for this household?

[] 01 Piped indoors
[] 02 Piped outdoors
[] 03 Neighbor's tap
[] 04 Communal tap
[] 05 Bouser / tanker
[] 06 Well
[] 07 Borehole
[] 08 River / stream
[] 09 Dam / pan
[] 10 Rain water tank
[] 11 Spring water
[] Other (specify) ________
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194. Column E14: Principal water supply
Q. What is the principal water supply for this household?
Circle the appropriate answer code for the principal source of water supply. If the particular source of water supply is not listed, write down the source under "Other (specify)". In cattle post areas, where people have to travel long distances to obtain water from a communal tap, indicate in the "Comments" column that it is a cattle post situation if the response is "communal tap".

1. Piped indoors
2. Piped outdoors
3. Neighbor's tap
4. Communal tap
5. Bouser/tanker
6. Well
7. Borehole
8. River/stream
9. Dam/Pan
10. Rain water tank
11. Spring water
12. Other (specify)