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E. Household Information

Housing unit

8. Type of housing unit

[] 01 Traditional
[] 02 Mixed
[] 03 Detached
[] 04 Semi - detached
[] 05 Town house / terraced
[] 06 Flats, apartment
[] 07 Part of commercial building
[] 08 Movable
[] 09 Shack
[] 10 Rooms
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187. Columns E8-E13: Housing unit
These questions relate to the housing unit occupied by the household you are enumerating. A housing unit is the unit of accommodation for a household. You will usually be able to answer some of these questions yourself simply from observation. However, if in doubt, ask, and then circle the most appropriate answer code. Note that in each of these columns you are to circle only one code. The relevant portion of the sample questionnaire is shown on page 82.

188. Column E8: Type of housing unit
This question refers to the housing unit in which the household you are enumerating lives. There are different types of housing units, identified and listed below. Circle the appropriate code for the household you are enumerating.

1. Traditional
A traditional lolwapa/dwelling is a residential place comprising one or more huts and/or other traditional structures, which are fenced together. Such malwapa/dwellings are mostly found in rural areas.
2. Mixed
This is a situation where the dwelling unit or lolwapa/dwelling is made up of a mixture of traditional houses and the modern type of housing units.
3. Detached House
This is a building that stands on its own, without sharing a wall with any other building. In many cases a detached house will also be fenced. A traditional hut standing on its own is to be classified as a lolwapa/dwelling. Please note that servants' quarters that are stand alone are also regarded as detached houses.
4. Semi-detached house
This is a building that shares a wall with just one other building, but which has its own separate entrance. It may be one or two stories high.
5. Town house
This is a building, in a group of many others sharing walls on two sides; each building has its own entrance, and the building may be one, two or even three stories high. A "town house" does not mean a "house in town". Note that the last unit at the end of a Town/Terraced House is not classified as Semi-Detached.
6. Flat, apartment
This is a unit of accommodation in a building. The building itself will usually have a main entrance and each flat will also have its own separate entrance; the building is usually 2 or more stories high, but each flat forms part of just one story or floor.
7. Part of commercial building
Sometimes part of a commercial building is used as residential quarters, particularly by small shopkeepers. Factory buildings may occasionally be used as housing units either by security personnel or staff of building contractors.
8. Movable
This is a housing unit, which can be transported from place to place either as a unit or in component parts. Examples are tents, tin-huts, port camps, caravans, etc.
9. Shack
This is a shelter built of remnants of packaging materials, e.g. cardboard boxes, polythene sheets, etc. Shacks are mostly found in urban areas.
10. Room(s)
In urban areas, particularly on SHHA plots and on low-cost plots, rooms in a building are sublet to tenants. Sometimes additional rooms are built on the plot for letting purposes.