Agriculture and land acquisition
1. Does any member of the household own any of the following?
179. Columns E1-E7: Agriculture and land acquisition, and household cash activities, ICT equipment, and internet access
For some of the questions in this section, you may circle more than one code, if more than one response applies, i.e. for those whose codes are multiples of 2.
These questions relate only to members of the household - i.e. those listed in columns A1 and B1 but excluding any visitors listed in A1. Include also household members who normally would have spent the census night with the household but who were temporarily elsewhere in Botswana. For example, the usual head of household could be away on business during the census period, but he/she might be the only income earner for the household. Since he/she was not present in the household during the census, his/her employment would not be recorded in Part A and it would appear that the household had no source of income. However, the fact that the household receives income from his/her employment will be recorded in E5, E6 and E7.
Note that questions in Part E of the questionnaire relate only to activities within Botswana. For example, if a household member who is temporarily living in another country (and is therefore listed in Part B), has planted maize outside Botswana, that agricultural activity will not be recorded in column E2. If the same person owns cattle inside Botswana, then that ownership will be recorded in column E1.
The relevant portion of the sample questionnaire is shown on page 80.
180. Column E1: Ownership of livestock
Q. Does any member of this household own any of the following?
Circle the appropriate answer code(s) if any usual member of the household owns any of the above listed livestock. For example, if any member of the household owns three goats and a few chickens, you would put rings around codes 2 and 16.