Questionnaire Text

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Section A

(Fertility--females, 12--50 years)

20. How many children have been born alive by [the respondent] since Independence Day 1990?

____ Male
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Columns A20 and A21: Fertility for Females 12-50 years

How many children have been borne alive by [the respondent] since Independence day 1990?

These columns must be completed for females aged between 12 and 50 years. For a female aged 51 or more, enter a dash in each of columns A20 and A21.

If the woman has not had a live birth since Independence Day, 1990, enter 0 in these columns. Otherwise enter the number of male children born in column A20 and the number of female children born in column A21. These are single-digit codes.

In the sample questionnaire in paragraph 116, Mimi was born after Independence Day last year, and there were no other children born to Anne after that date, so the entries in columns A20 and A21 are 0 and 1 for Anne. Thembe is older than 50 years, so the question does not apply to her, nor does the question apply to any other person listed in column A1. Dashes are entered in columns A20 and A21 for everyone other than Anne.