Questionnaire Text

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Section A

(12 years and over)

12. During the past 30 days did [the respondent] work for cash?

[] 1 Yes for someone else (Go to Q. 14)
[] 2 Yes, for self (Go to Q. 14)
[] 3 No (Go to Q. 13)
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Column A12: Work done for cash during the past 30 days

During the past 30 days did [the respondent] work for cash?

Enter the appropriate one-digit code in the shaded area:

1 Yes, for someone else: This code applies if a person has worked for someone else for cash payment during the 30 days before the census, no matter how short the period. If a person was on paid leave - annual, sick or maternity - 1 is still the appropriate code. If you enter 1 in column A12, you should put a dash in column A13 and go to column A14.

2 Yes, for self: This code applies if a person was self-employed during the 30 days before the census. Remember that those who work for cash reward include those who work for wages, salaries, fees, commissions and the like, while the self-employed include those who are in business for themselves, such as farmers (who farm with the specific intention of selling their products), shop owners, hawkers, those who repair shoes or cut hair under a tree, or those who weave baskets or sell oranges for their living. If you enter 2 in column A12, you should put a dash in column A13 and go to column A14.

3 No: This code applies if the person did not work at all for cash payment during the last 30 days. Included in this group are farmers who grow mainly for household consumption; individuals who worked at farms, lands or cattleposts without receiving cash payment; and those who worked in a family business without receiving cash payment. If any of these individuals received any cash payment for their work, however small, they should be coded 1 or 2, as appropriate.

If you enter 3 in column A12, you should go to A13 to find out what the person was doing during the past 30 days (since he/she was not working for cash).

In the sample questionnaire on page 26, James worked for someone else during the past 30 days and received cash, so he is coded 1 in column A12. Anne did not work for cash (although she did some farming on the lands), so she is coded 3. Since Mimi and Molelo are under 12 years old, the question does not apply to them, and dashes are entered in column A12 for them. Anthony did not work for cash (since he is a student), so he is coded 3. David was self-employed and is coded 2. Thembe did not work for cash either and is coded 3.