Questionnaire Text

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Section B
[Persons outside Botswana]

List all members of this household --Botswana citizens only-- now outside Botswana

1. Name


2. Serial number


10. What is the main reason for [the respondent's] absence?

[] 01 Working in mines
[] 02 Working in farms
[] 03 Working as domestic
[] 04 Other employment
[] 05 Student
[] 06 Visiting
[] 07 Official business
[] 08 Other business
[] 09 Accompanying
[] 10 Medical
[] Other (specify) ____
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Column B10: Reason for Absence

What is the main reason for [the respondent]'s absence?'

It is possible that a person may have more than one reason for absence. Ask for the main reason. Enter the appropriate code as follows:

[] 01 Working in mines
[] 02 Working in farms
[] 03 Working as domestic
[] 04 Other employment
[] 05 Student
[] 06 Visiting
[] 07 Official business
[] 08 Other business
[] 09 Accompanying
[] 10 Medical
[] Other (specify)

If you cannot decide which code is the right one to use, make sure you have described the reason in the unshaded area (or in the comments box) and leave the shaded area blank.

In the sample questionnaire in paragraph 123, Lorato is working as a maid in South Africa, so B10 is coded 03.