Questionnaire Text

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Section B
[Persons outside Botswana]

List all members of this household --Botswana citizens only-- now outside Botswana

1. Name


2. Serial number

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Columns B1 to B10: Member of the Household outside Botswana

These questions apply only to citizens of Botswana who were absent from the country on the census might, but who would usually live in the household if they were in Botswana such as citizens working or temporarily living with relatives in South Africa, studying abroad or away on private or government business. The relevant portion of the sample questionnaire on page 15 is shown below for easy reference.

If no member of the household was absent from Botswana on the census night, enter dashes in the spaces provided for answer codes in the first line only.

If you had to continue the listing of (Part A) household members on a second or third page, return to the first page for recording Part B information. If more than three persons have to he listed in Part B, go to the next page after writing "continued" in the comments box on the first page. Don't forget to copy the geographic identification codes (District, Village, etc.) onto the continuation questionnaire. Remember that when you complete Part B you should return lo the first page for the household to answer Parts C and D. Only Part E will be answered on the last page for the household.

[Diagram on page 39 omitted]