Questionnaire Text

Armenia 2001 Hungary 1980 Nicaragua 1971 Spain 2001
Armenia 2011 Hungary 1990 Panama 1980 Spain 2011
Austria 1981 Hungary 2001 Panama 1990 Suriname 2012
Austria 1991 Hungary 2011 Panama 2000 Switzerland 1970
Austria 2001 Iran 2006 Panama 2010 Switzerland 1980
Austria 2011 Ireland 1971 Philippines 1990 Switzerland 1990
Belarus 2009 Ireland 1981 Philippines 2000 Switzerland 2000
Canada 1981 Ireland 1991 Philippines 2010 Switzerland 2011
Canada 2011 Ireland 2002 Poland 1978 Trinidad and Tobago 1970
Cuba 2002 Ireland 2006 Poland 1988 Trinidad and Tobago 1980
Dominican Republic 1981 Ireland 2011 Poland 2002 Trinidad and Tobago 1990
France 1962 Ireland 2016 Portugal 1981 Trinidad and Tobago 2000
France 1968 Israel 1983 Portugal 1991 Trinidad and Tobago 2011
France 1975 Israel 1995 Portugal 2001 United States 2010
France 1982 Israel 2008 Portugal 2011 United States 2015
France 2011 Jamaica 1982 Puerto Rico 2010 United States 2020
Germany 1971 Jamaica 1991 Puerto Rico 2015 Uruguay 2006
Germany 1987 Jordan 2004 Puerto Rico 2020 Vietnam 1989
Greece 2011 Kyrgyzstan 2009 Romania 1977 Vietnam 1999
Guatemala 1981 Malaysia 1991 Romania 2002 Vietnam 2009
Honduras 1988 Morocco 2004 Romania 2011 Vietnam 2019
Hungary 1970 Nepal 2011 Slovenia 2002
Armenia 2001 — source variable AM2001A_CONYR — Date built
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Q3. When was the (housing structure/building) built?
[] 1 Before 1941
[] 2 1941-1960
[] 3 1961-1980
[] 4 1981-1990
[] 5 1991-2001

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B.3 When was it built?

Here one of the dates offered as an answer is noted. While determining the date of the building (house), the date is chosen when the house (building) was put in use.

For example; if the building of the house began in 1979 and was finished in 1981, then the "1981-1990" prompt is written, the date when the building was completed.

In case of rebuilding the house or adding more floors, the date when it was out in use is considered to be the original building year.

Armenia 2011 — source variable AM2011A_BUILTYR — Construction year
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B3. Period of dwelling construction:

[] Before 1950
[] 1951-1970
[] 1971-1980
[] 1981-1990
[] 1991-2000
[] 2001-2011
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Questions for the households

Sections B, C and D are to be filled out by occupied households.

Question B.3

When was it built?

One of suggested date should be mentioned as an answer. Moreover, while determining the date of the building (house), the date is chosen when the house (building) was put in use.
While answering for the questions B.3, B.4 and B.5 of the questionnaire for the households living in flat of the tenement house, information available from the state statistical reporting form "1 - Housing conditions" should be used.
For example; if the building of the house began in 1979 and was finished in 1981, then the "1981-1990" prompt is written, the date when the building was completed. In case of rebuilding the house or adding more floors the date when it was out in use is considered to be the original building year.

Austria 1981 — source variable AT1981A_CONYR1 — Construction period of building
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(9) Concerning all reconstructed or completely renovated buildings, the time of reconstruction or renovation should be included. Concerning additions or completion in stages of buildings, the time period should be included during which the greatest section of the building became useable.

(9) When was the building completed?

[] Before 1880
[] 1880-1918
[] 1919-1944
[] 1945-1950
[] 1951-1960
[] 1961-1970
[] 1971
[] 1972
[] 1973
[] 1974
[] 1975
[] 1976
[] 1977
[] 1978
[] 1979
[] 1980
[] 1981

Austria 1991 — source variable AT1991A_CONYR1 — Construction period
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10. When was the building completed?
[] Before 1880
[] 1880-1918
[] 1919-1944
[] 1945-1960
[] 1961-1970
[] 1971-1980
[] 1981-1985
[] 1986
[] 1987
[] 1988
[] 1989
[] 1990
[] 1991

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10, Completion year (period):
As the completion year (period), the point in time (period) at which the largest part of the building was usable should be marked. This is also the same for additions or buildings finished in stages.

Purpose of the question:
The completion period characterizes a building and is - in connection with other questions (building use, owners, housing unit equipment, heating) - a basic element of all studies on urban renewal in old city centers or historic preservation.

Austria 2001 — source variable AT2001A_CONYR1 — Construction period

No questionnaire text is available for this sample.

Austria 2011 — source variable AT2011A_BUILDYR — Period of construction

No questionnaire text is available for this sample.

Belarus 2009 — source variable BY2009A_BLTYR — Period of construction
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Section I. Description of habitation

[Questions 2-5 were asked of households whose type of habitation was apartment residential house or apartment.]

2. Period of construction of the house:

[] 1 Prior to 1946
[] 2 1946-1960
[] 3 1961-1970
[] 4 1971-1980
[] 5 1981-1990
[] 6 1991-2000
[] 7 2001-2005
[] 8 2006-2009
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20.2. In question 2 "Period of construction of the house", the year of putting the house into use is used to determine the period of construction. For example, if the construction of a residential house started in 2000 and ended in 2001, the answer "2001-2005" is to be chosen and marked. If a residential building was reconstructed or a non-residential building was converted into a residential one, the year of its initial putting into operation is to be chosen;
Enumerators in urban settlements and large rural areas should complete questions 2 and 3 with data on the year of construction and material of outer walls as specified in columns 5 and 6 of table 1 on Form 7 "Enumerator's notebook for cities, urban settlements and large rural areas". Only in the absence of those data, they should complete answers as told by respondents;

Canada 1981 — source variable CA1981A_BLTYR — Period of construction
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13. When was this dwelling or the building containing this dwelling originally built? (To the best of your knowledge, mark the period in which the building was completed, not the time of any later remodeling, additions or conversions.)
Mark one box only
[] 1920 or before
[] 1921-1945
[] 1946-1960
[] 1961- 1970
[] 1971-1975
[] 1976-1979
[] 1980
[] 1981

Canada 2011 — source variable CA2011A_BUILTYR — Construction period of dwelling
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Household questionnaire

Step E
Questions E1-E10 are about this dwelling.
The questions refer to May 10, 2011 unless otherwise specified.

A dwelling is a separate set of living quarters with a private entrance from the outside or from a common hallway or stairway inside the building. This entrance should not be through someone else's living quarters.

E5. When was this dwelling originally built?

Mark the period in which the building was completed, not the time of any later remodeling, additions or conversions. If year is not known, give best estimate.

[] 1920 or before
[] 1921-1945
[] 1946-1960
[] 1961-1970
[] 1971-1980
[] 1981-1985
[] 1986-1990
[] 1991-1995
[] 1996-2000
[] 2006-2011
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Step E: Housing
Questions E1 to E10 provide information to develop housing communities and projects.

Information on the number of rooms and bedrooms in homes and on housing costs is used to assess the economic situation of families. Governments use this information to measure levels of crowding within households and to develop housing programs.

Information on the age of dwellings and the need for repairs is used by municipalities to develop neighborhood improvement programs.

Question E5 -- Period when built
To find out the age of the building:

[] Ask the manager or superintendent in condominiums, large apartment blocks, or other rented dwellings.
[] Check your home insurance policy and documents about the purchase of the dwelling.

Cuba 2002 — source variable CU2002A_BUILTYR — Date of construction
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Section III. Information about the Private Dwelling

3. What is the date of construction of the dwelling?

(For houses and apartments; mark only one)

[] 1 Before 1920
[] 2 From 1920 to 1933
[] 3 From 1934 to 1945
[] 4 From 1946 to 1958
[] 5 From 1959 to 1970
[] 6 From 1971 to 1981
[] 7 From 1982 to 1989
[] 8 From 1990 to the Census Date
[] 9 Not known

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Question 3. What is the date of construction of the dwelling?

In this question you will ask about the year in which the construction of the dwelling was completed, taking into account that this will only be asked of dwellings that are of the type called House or Apartments.


What is the construction date of the dwelling? (For houses and apartments; only one mark)
[] 1 Before 1920
[] 2 From 1920 to 1933
[] 3 From 1934 to 1945
[] 4 From 1946 to 1958
[] 5 From 1959 to 1970
[] 6 From 1971 to 1981
[] 7 From 1982 to 1989
[] 8 From 1990 to the Census Date
[] 9 Not known

The question should be asked in the following manner:

"The date of construction of the dwelling is?" and you will start to mention the periods until the interviewee tells you to which it belongs.

Mark the box that corresponds to the period in which you encounter the year given by the interviewee, remembering that you should only mark one period.

If the dwelling was enlarged or partially remodeled later, you will take into account the year in which the principal part of the same was built.

Observe that the first period (box 1) covers constructions until the year 1919, which means, it does not include those from 1920.

Dominican Republic 1981 — source variable DO1981A_CONSTYR — Year of construction
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19. Year of construction

In what year was construction of this dwelling completed?
[] 1 Before 1979
[] 2 In 1979
[] 3 In 1980
[] 4 In 1981

France 1962 — source variable FR1962A_BLDGYR — Year the building was completed
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4. Year the construction was completed

If the various parts are not from the same time period, indicate the year of completion of the part resided in, or the most important part of those parts resided in. In case of the reconstruction or raising the height, indicate the year of the raising.
[] 1 Before 1871.
[] 2 From 1871 to 1914.
[] 3 From 1915 to 1939
[] 4 From 1940 to 1948.
[] 5 After 1948. In this case specify the year of completion: 19_ _
[] 6 Building still being constructed but partially inhabited

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3.3.3 Question 4 - Year in which construction was completed: this information is important. You should do your best to question the owner in order to find out this information; also, persons who have been living in the house, the neighborhood, or the town for a long time (can supply this information). Many buildings, especially in towns, have the building completion date engraved or painted on the facade of the building.
For the first 4 categories, it is often enough to find out the building completion date to within a few years to be able to answer correctly. Lacking direct information, you can sometimes classify buildings by comparing them to others which are typical of that time period. For example, in some towns entire sections are from the 17th or 18th century and easily recognizable. The town hall may be able to let you know if there are large groups or blocks of buildings built at well- determined time periods.
For buildings built since 1948 (box 5) you should make a special effort to specify the completion date.

France 1968 — source variable FR1968A_BLTYR — Year the building was completed
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5. Year the construction was completed
If various parts are not from the same time period, indicate the year of completion of the most important inhabited section. In the case of renovation or raising the height, indicate the year of the reconstruction or heightening.
[] 1 Before 1871.
[] 2 From 1871 to 1914.
[] 3 From 1915 to 1939.
[] 4 From 1940 to 1948.
[] 5 From 1949 to 1953.
In the following cases, specify the year of completion: 19 _ _
[] 6 From 1954 to 1961
[] 7 1962 or after.
[] 8 Building being constructed and partially inhabited.

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3.3.4. Question 5: Year the construction was finished.
This information is very important. You will be obtain it by questioning the owner, the concierge, the people who have lived in the house for a long time, the neighborhood or the community. Some buildings bear the year of completion engraved on the side.
For the four first sections, it often suffices to know the date of completion within a certain number of years in order to answer without it being considered an error. In the absence of direct information, you will sometimes be able to classify buildings by comparing them to others, typical with some time periods. City hall might be able to tell you if, in your district, there some important apartment building complexes constructed in well- determined time periods.
For buildings completed beginning 1919 (rubrics 5, 6 and 7) you should specify the exact year of completion.

France 1975 — source variable FR1975A_YRBUILT — Year the building was completed
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3.3.3. Question 3: Year the construction was finished.
This information is very important.
You will be obtain it by questioning the owner, the concierge, the people who have lived in the house for a long time, the neighborhood or the community. Some buildings bear the year of completion engraved on the side.
For the four first sections, it often suffices to know the date of completion within a certain number of years in order to answer without it being considered an error. In the absence of direct information, you will sometimes be able to classify buildings by comparing them to others, typical with some time periods. City hall might be able to tell you if, in your district, there some important apartment building complexes constructed in well- determined time periods.

France 1982 — source variable FR1982A_BLTYEAR — Building completion date
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Question 3: Year in which construction was completed
You will be able to get this information by asking the owner, the caretaker, long- time residents of the building (or the neighborhood). Some buildings have the building completion date engraved on the facade. Lacking direct information, you can classify the buildings by comparing them with others which are typical of a certain time period. The city hall may be able to indicate if there are sizeable blocks in your district built at specific time periods.
For buildings completed beginning in 1961 (headings 5, 6 and 7), specify the year of completion.
In case of renovation or the addition of more floors, indicate the year of the renovation or addition.

France 2011 — source variable FR2011A_BUILTYR — Period of completion of construction
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2) What is the year of completion on the construction of this house or apartment building?
(If different sections are not from the same time period, note the completion year of the most lived-in section)

[ ] 1 Before 1919
[ ] 2 From 1919 to 1945
[ ] 3 From 1946 to 1970
[ ] 4 From 1971 to 1990
[ ] 5 From 1991 to 2005
[ ] 6 2006 or later?if this is the answer, specify the year _ _ _ _

Germany 1971 — source variable DE1971A_BUILTYR — Year of construction of building
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For residential buildings, the applicable circle in sections A-G should be marked.

For non-residential buildings and temporary accommodations [emergency] sections C-G are not applicable.

D. Year of construction of the building

The building was built:

[] 1 Before 1870
[] 2 From 1870 to 1899
[] 3 From 1900 to 1918
[] 4 From 1919 to 1932
[] 5 From 1933 to 1945
[] 6 From 1946 to 1960
[] 7 From 1961 to 1965
[] 8 After 1965

If built before 1800, in what year? ____

Section D: Year of construction of the building

For renovations, additions or extensions, the original year of construction is used; for reconstruction after total loss, the year of the reconstruction is considered the year of construction. If the exact year of construction cannot be determined for residential buildings built before 1800, we ask that the year of construction be estimated based on local available indicators such as age of surrounding buildings, city district, municipality/city.

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  • For residential buildings, crosses should be made in the applicable circles in sections A to G.
  • For non-residential buildings and temporary shelters, section C to G need not to be answered.

D. Year of construction of building
The building was constructed in:

[] 1 Before 1870
[] 2 1870-1899
[] 3 1900-1918
[] 4 1919-1932
[] 5 1933-1945
[] 6 1946-1960
[] 7 1961-1965
[] 8 after 1965

If constructed before 1800, in which year? ______

To section D: Year of construction
The original year of first construction is to be used regardless of later additions or renovations; for reconstruction after total damage, the year of reconstruction; for buildings constructed before 1800, a best guess based on surroundings and similar buildings if the exact year is not available.

Germany 1987 — source variable DE1987A_YRBUILT — Year of construction of building
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Data on dwelling

Data on building: please complete only if you are the owner or manager of this building
[Questions 1 to 4 were asked only of the owner or manager of the building]

3. Year of construction (year ready for occupation)

If extensions and conversions were made, the year of original construction is to be indicated. In the case of reconstruction following total loss, state the year of reconstruction.

[] Up to 1900
[] 1901-1918
[] 1919-1948
[] 1949-1957
[] 1958-1962
[] 1963-1987

[Years were listed individually between 1963 and 1987, but those are omitted in this version of the form]

Greece 2011 — source variable GR2011A_BLTYEAR — Period of construction
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Characteristics of conventional dwelling
[Questions 2-4 were asked only of persons who live in conventional dwellings]

4. Period of construction.

[] Before 1919
[] 1919-45
[] 1946-60
[] 1961-70
[] 1971-80
[] 1981-90
[] 1991-2000
[] 2001-05
[] 2006+
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Question 4 "Period of construction"
The period of construction is to be recoded with an X.

Guatemala 1981 — source variable GT1981A_BLTYEAR — Year of construction of dwelling
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II. Characteristics of the place of habitation

6. Year of construction

In what year was the place of habitation built?

Before the 1976 earthquake:
[] 1 Before 1973
[] 2 From 1973 to 1976
After the 1976 earthquake:
[] 3 From 1976 to 1977
[] 4 From 1978 to 1979
[] 5 From 1980 to 1981
[] 9 Unknown
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II. Dwelling characteristics

As mentioned previously, questions 1 through 9 of this section should be investigated for each one of the "dwellings". The specific instructions that follow will allow the enumerator to complete the work more efficiently.

Question 6: year of construction

1. How to investigate this question

The enumerator will ask the year of construction of the dwelling.

In the cases in which this information is not known, other persons (members of other households living in the same dwelling, neighbors, etc.) are asked until someone qualified to answer the question is found.

2. How to record the data

Once the year of the dwelling's construction has been identified, the number of the category is circled.

3. Example:

[These instructions refer to a graphic of question 6 of the census form]

Honduras 1988 — source variable HN1988A_BLTYEAR — Year of construction
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Chapter II Dwelling Information

9. In what year was construction of the dwelling completed?

[] 1 Before 1974
[] 2 Between 1974-1980
[] 3 Between 1981-1982
[] 4 Between 1983-1984
[] 5 Between 1985-1986
[] 6 Between 1987-1988

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9. In what year was construction for the dwelling completed?
The informant is asked for the calendar year in which the construction was completed for the dwelling. The appropriate circle is marked with an "X", according to the answer.

Hungary 1970 — source variable HU1970A_CONYR — Construction year
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4. In which year it was built:

[] 50 Before 1850
[] 99 1850-1899
[] 19 1900-1919
[] 44 1920-1944
[] 59 1945-1959
Later, in 196_

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4. Year of construction

Enter the equivalent year into the printed cells, in case of a building built before 1960, by crossing the corresponding decade.

In the case of reconstructed or technically divided building, mark the year the work was accomplished.

Hungary 1980 — source variable HU1980A_CONYR — Construction year
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4. Year of building [construction]
[] Before 1900
[] Between 1900-1919
[] Between 1920-1944
[] Between 1945-1959
[] Between 1960-1969
[] In 197 _

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4. Year of construction

The year of construction of the dwellings set up by partitioning a larger dwelling is the year of issuing the license for use of dwelling.

As year of construction of dwelling in case of dwellings used without license for use or occupied parts of dwellings under construction is the year of moving in.

Filling in part "Premises"

The size of premises of dwellings (housing units) will be enumerated by their number and their total floor-space in m2.

The floor-space of the built-in furniture will be added to the total of the premises.

6. Under construction

"Yes" should be underlined.

Hungary 1990 — source variable HU1990A_CONYR — Year of construction
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3. When was the dwelling built?

[] 0 Before 1900
[] 1 Between 1900 and 1919
[] 2 Between 1920 and 1944
[] 3 Between 1945 and 1959
[] 4 Between 1960 and 1969
[] 5 Between 1970 and 1979
[] 6 Between 1980 and 1984
[] 7 Between 1985 and 1987
[] 8 In 1988
[] 9 In 1989
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3. Year of construction of dwelling

In case of multi-dwelling houses it has to be checked whether the answers given by occupants of the different dwellings are the same. In this regard differences between the dwellings of the same building might be only in case of extension of the building, technical reconstruction of the building.

Hungary 2001 — source variable HU2001A_CONYR — Year of construction of building
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2. When was the building built?
[] 900 Before 1900
[] 919 1900-1919
[] 944 1920-1944
[] 959 1945-1959
[] 969 1960-1969
[] 979 1970-1979
[] 989 1980-1989
[] In 199_
[] 000 In 2000
[] 001 In 2001

2. In the case of buildings used without usage permit, the year of construction is considered to be the date when the first occupant moved into the house. You have to mark the year or period of reconstruction if the main construction elements of the building have been changed (e.g. replacement of ceiling occurred, main walls of the building were opened).

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Question 2: When was the building built?

The year of construction in cases of the new buildings is the year when the license for using the dwellings was issued. In cases of multi-dwelling houses, the year of the issue of the license might be different. In such cases, the year of construction is the year of the issue of the first license.

In cases of older houses where no license for the habitation had been issued, the year of construction is the year when the first occupant moved into his/her dwelling.

If of the buildings where the main elements had been substantially changed (e.g. the ceiling between the levels had been changed, etc.), the year of construction of the building is the year of completion of reconstruction works. The modernization of the dwellings, connecting transforming two dwellings into or dividing one into two dwellings is not regarded as new construction.

Hungary 2011 — source variable HU2011A_BLTYEAR — Period of construction of the dwelling
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Dwelling questionnaire

I. Dwelling data

[Questions 2 through 23 were asked of all occupied private households, seasonal and non-residential housing unit]

3. When was the dwelling built?

[] 1 Before 1919
[] 2 1919-1945
[] 3 1946-1960
[] 4 1961-1970
[] 5 1971-1980
[] 6 1981-1990
[] 7 1991-2000
[] 8 2001-2005
[] 9 2006 or later
[] 10 Unknown
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I. Dwelling data

3. When was the dwelling built?
That period must be marked when the official permit for occupation had been issued. In case the dwelling does not have a permit yet but is already occupied then the year of move must be considered as the year of construction.

In case the main structural parts of the building consisting the dwelling had been significantly transformed since their original built (e.g. joist between floors had been wrecked then rebuilt) the year of rebuilding must be marked as the year of construction irrespectively of the time when the permit had been issued.

Refurbishing dwellings with the main walls unaltered or creating a new dwelling out of more dwellings do not change the year of construction.

Iran 2006 — source variable IR2006A_YRBUILT — Year the construction of the housing unit was completed
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Questions 42-55 should be filled out for collective and normal settled households.

Questions 45-55 should be filled out for households residing in Conventional residential unit (number 1 in Question 44)

54. The year when the construction of the housing unit was completed.

[] 2006
[] 2005
[] 2004
[] 2003
[] 2002
[] 2001
[] 2000
[] 1999
[] 1998
[] 1997
[] 1996
[] 1986-1995
[] 1976-1985
[] 1966-1975
[] Before 1966

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30. General explanation about questions 41 through 56
Fill question 41 only for normal settled households and leave it blank for other households. But fill questions 42 to 55 also for collective households in addition to normal settled ones.
Note: For those normal settled and collective households for which you filled more than one sheet of questionnaire, fill these questions along with question 56 only on the first sheet and leave them blank on other sheets.

35. General explanation about Questions 45 through 55
Fill these questions only for those households who live in a conventional residential unit (box 1 question 44) and leave it blank for households living in other types of units.

45. The year when the construction of the housing unit was completed, Question 54
Ask about the year when the construction of the unit was completed and identify the situation by marking one of the 1 to 15 boxes. For instance, if the construction was completed in year 1385 (2006), mark box 1 and if it was completed in 1366 (1987), mark box 12.

- If the construction is yet to be finished but the building is in use by a household at the time of enumeration, consider the year of exploitation as the year when construction was finished.
- It is possible that the housing unit was finished in a certain year and some parts have been added to it in later years. Then consider the year in which the main unit was completed as the answer.

Ireland 1971 — source variable IE1971A_BUILTYR — Year dwelling was built
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[The following questions should be answered in respect of each private household and of the house, flat or rooms occupied by that household. These questions need not be answered in respect of private households living in caravans or other mobile dwellings.]

22. Year in which house was built

Indicate the period in which the house or other building containing the dwelling was built by inserting X in the appropriate box. The year in which first built is required even if subsequently converted or reconstructed.

[] Before 1860
[] Between 1860 and 1899 inclusive
[] Between 1900 and 1918 inclusive
[] Between 1919 and 1940 inclusive
[] Between 1941 and 1960 inclusive
[] 1961 or after

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Answers should be furnished to Questions 19 to 28, inclusive, in respect of all private household (except those in mobile dwellings) and in respect of the houses, flats, or rooms occupied by such households.

Question 22 - Year in which house was built.
This question may give considerable difficulty, particularly in the case of the older dwellings, but it is important that at least an approximate date be obtained. If, therefore, the householder is unable to give any indication of the period in which the dwelling was built, the Enumerator should assign the dwelling to one of the age categories, having regard to its general appearance and to any knowledge he may possess or be able to ascertain regarding the age of houses in the neighborhood.

Ireland 1981 — source variable IE1981A_BUILTYR — Year built
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[Questions 23-30 should be answered in respect of each private household. These questions need not be answered in respect of institutions or private household living in caravans or other mobile dwellings]

Q.26 Year in which the house was built

Indicate the period in which the house or other building containing the dwelling was built by inserting a check mark in the appropriate box. The year in which it was first built is required even if [it was] subsequently converted, extended or renovated.

[] 1 Before 1919
[] 2 Between 1919 and 1940 inclusive
[] 3 Between 1941 and 1960 inclusive
[] 4 Between 1961 and 1970 inclusive
[] 5 Between 1971 and 1975 inclusive
[] 6 1976 or later

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Details of the dwelling
Answers should be furnished to Questions 23 to 30, inclusive, in respect of all private households (except those in mobile dwellings) and in respect of the houses, flats or rooms occupied by such households.

Q.26: Year in which the house was built
This question may give considerable difficulty, particularly in the case of the older dwellings, but it is important that at least an approximate date be obtained. If, therefore, the householder is unable to give any indication of the period in which the dwelling was built, you should assign the dwelling to one of the age categories, having regard to its general appearance and to any knowledge you may possess or be able to ascertain regarding the age of similar houses in the neighbourhood.

Ireland 1991 — source variable IE1991A_BUILTYR — Year building built
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PART B - Household questions

[Questions 25-33 should be answered with respect to each private household. These questions need not be answered with respect to institutions or private households living in caravans or other mobile dwellings.]

Q.28 Year in which the house was built

Indicate the period when the house or other building containing the dwelling was built by inserting a check mark in the appropriate box. The year when [it was] first built is required even if subsequently converted, extended or renovated.

[] 1 Before 1919
[] 2 Between 1919 and 1940 inclusive
[] 3 Between 1941 and 1960 inclusive
[] 4 Between 1961 and 1970 inclusive
[] 5 Between 1971 and 1980 inclusive
[] 6 Between 1981 and 1985 inclusive
[] 7 1986 or later
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Appendix 1

Details of the dwelling

Q.28: Year in which the house was built
This question may give considerable difficulty, particularly in the case of the older dwellings, but is is important that at least an approximate date be obtained. If, therefore, the householder is unable to give any indication of the period in which the dwelling was built, you should assign the dwelling to one of the age categories, having regard to its general appearance and to any knowledge you may possess or be able to ascertain regarding the age of similar houses in the neighborhood.

Ireland 2002 — source variable IE2002A_BUILTYR — Year built
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H2 What year was your house or other building containing your accommodation first built?

The year in which first built even if the building was subsequently converted, extended or renovated.
[] 1 Before 1919
[] 2 1919 - 1940 inclusive
[] 3 1941 - 1960 inclusive
[] 4 1961 - 1970 inclusive
[] 5 1971 - 1980 inclusive
[] 6 1981 - 1990 inclusive
[] 7 1991 - 1995 inclusive
[] 8 1996 or later

Ireland 2006 — source variable IE2006A_BUILTYR — Year built
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Census Day Sunday 23 April, 2006 - Central Statistics Office

H2. What year was your house or other building containing your accommodation first built? Check the year in which first built even if the building was subsequently converted, extended or renovated.

[] 1 Before 1919
[] 2 1919- 1940 inclusive
[] 3 1941- 1960 inclusive
[] 4 1961- 1970 inclusive
[] 5 1971- 1980 inclusive
[] 6 1981- 1990 inclusive
[] 7 1991- 1995 inclusive
[] 8 1996- 2000 inclusive
[] 9 2001 or later

Ireland 2011 — source variable IE2011A_BLTYEAR — Year dwelling was built
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H2. When was your house, flat or apartment first built?
Mark the year in which first build even if the building was subsequently converted, extended or renovated.

[] 1 Before 1919
[] 2 1919 - 1945 inclusive
[] 3 1946 - 1960 inclusive
[] 4 1961 - 1970 inclusive
[] 5 1971 - 1980 inclusive
[] 6 1981 - 1990 inclusive
[] 7 1991 - 2000 inclusive
[] 8 2001 - 2005 inclusive
[] 9 2006 or later
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Question H2.Question H2 will give data on the age of the housing stock across the country. It will provide an insight into the number of new dwellings built in recent years. The question refers to when the house was first ready for occupation, not the date of any the start of construction or any subsequent renovations.

Ireland 2016 — source variable IE2016A_BLTYEAR — Year dwelling was built
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Questions about your accommodation

H2. When was your house, flat or apartment first built?

Mark the year in which first built even if the building was subsequently converted, extended or renovated

[] 1. Before 1919
[] 2. 1919 - 1945 inclusive
[] 3. 1946 - 1960 inclusive
[] 4. 1961 - 1970 inclusive
[] 5. 1971 - 1980 inclusive
[] 6. 1981 - 1990 inclusive
[] 7. 1991 - 2000 inclusive
[] 8. 2001 - 2010 inclusive
[] 9. 2011 or later
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Appendix H. Detailed notes on the household form

[Question H2: When was your house, flat or apartment first built?]

Question H2 will give data on the age of the housing stock across the country. It will provide an insight into the number of new dwellings built in recent years. The question refers to when the house was first ready for occupation, not the date of any the start of construction or any subsequent renovations.

If the person is unsure of the year the house was built, they may wish to ask a neighbor.

Israel 1983 — source variable IL1983A_CONYR — Year construction completed
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[Questions 1-11]

3. When was this apartment build? (not including additions, enclosing terraces, etc.)

[] 1 1981-1985
[] 2 1975-1980
[] 3 1966-1974
[] 4 1955-1965
[] 5 1948-1954
[] 6 1947 or earlier

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4. Question 3 -- explanations: Year apartment's construction ended

[Instructions refer to a graphic of the census form including question 3.]

In each answer to this question, a range of years is mentioned. The person should match the completion year of the apartment's construction to the fitting range of years.
For example: if the apartment's construction was completed in 1970, circle number "3".

[p. 46]

In the answer refer to the completion of the whole apartment. If renovation has been carried out in the apartment in a certain year and new rooms have been built -- do not refer to the renovation year as the construction completion year.

Israel 1995 — source variable IL1995A_CONYR — Year when construction completed
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7. When was the construction of this apartment completed?
Not including additions, enclosed terraces, etc.
If the exact year is not known, estimate the date and indicate such.

[] 1. 1947 or earlier
[] 2. 1948-1954
[] 3. 1955-1964
[] 4. 1965- 1974
[] 5. 1975-1984
[] 6. 1985-1989
[] 7. 1990
[] 8. 1991
[] 9. 1992
[] 10. 1993
[] 11. 1994
[] 12. 1995

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3. Question 7

7. When was the construction of this apartment completed?

[] 1 1947 and before
[] 2 1948-1954
[] 3 1955-1964
[] 4 1965-1974
[] 5 1975-1984
[] 6 1985-1989
[] 7 1990
[] 8 1991
[] 9 1992
[] 10 1993
[] 11 1994
[] 12 1995

A. Mark an X next to the appropriate years.

Example: If the building of the apartment was completed in 1970, mark an X in the box next to 1965-1974 (answer 4).

B. If the respondent does not remember the exact year, he has to estimate the year.

C. In a case of hesitation between two answers, he has to write the later year.

Example: If a person does not remember if the completion year of the construction was 1990 or 1991, he has to mark the 1991 (answer 8).

[p. 34]

D. Refer to the year in which the construction of the whole apartment was completed.

If the apartment went through renovation in a later year, rooms added or a balcony was closed, do not refer to the renovation year as the year of completion of the construction.

Israel 2008 — source variable IL2008A_BLTYEAR — Year of construction of the dwelling
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Questions on housing conditions
[Questions 82-90 asked only once per household]

84. What year was construction of this dwelling completed?

Does not refer to constructing additions, closing balconies, etc.
[] 1 1947 or before
[] 2 1948-1954
[] 3 1955-1964
[] 4 1965-1974
[] 5 1975-1984
[] 6 1985-1994
[] 7 1995-1999
[] 8 2000 or later

85. Indicate the year

[] 1 2000
[] 2 2001
[] 3 2002
[] 4 2003
[] 5 2004
[] 6 2005
[] 7 2006
[] 8 2007
[] 9 2008
[] 10 2009
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Part J: Housing Conditions

2. Instructions for answering questions

c. Year apartment's construction was concluded
The data received from the question allows us to assess the state of the residential buildings in each place in the country, as well as issues concerning the buildings' maintenance (such as: ability to survive an earthquake). Another example of the way the information is used, together with building laws, is the ability to know how many buildings have shelters or protected spaces (Mamad) prior to the year of concluding the apartment's construction.
Question 10.30 - In what year did the construction of this apartment conclude?

[] 1 1947, or earlier
[] 2 1948-1954
[] 3 1955-1964
[] 4 1965-1974
[] 5 1975-1984
[] 6 1985-1994
[] 7 1995-1999
[] 8 2000, or later, indicate the exact year

- Refer to the year when the construction of the entire apartment came to an end. If renovations were done in the apartment on a certain year - additional rooms were built or a porch was closed, do not refer to the renovations' year as the year construction ended.
- People who do not know the year when construction ended shall be asked to estimate the apartment's age.

Jamaica 1982 — source variable JM1982A_YRBUILT — Year of construction
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Type of Housing Unit - Columns 14 - 17: These columns will be completed in all cases where a building has been identified as a housing unit. The codes to be used are listed on the Visitation Record.

Column 14 is for Type of Housing Unit, Column 15 for year of Construction, Column 16 for Material of Outer Walls and Column 17 for Occupancy Status of Dwellings. Each of these four columns has its own coding scheme and these are given at the bottom of Section 3.

Jamaica 1991 — source variable JM1991A_YRBUILT — Year when housing unit was built
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2.4. In what year was this unit built?
[] 1990-1991
[] 1985-1989
[] 1980-1984
[] 1975-1979
[] 1970-1974
[] Before 1970
[] Not stated

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5.25 Question 2.4 Year when Housing Unit was Built
Where the building is fully completed, what is required is the year in which the housing unit was completed. There might be cases, however, where the building may not be fully completed in that certain aspects of the construction may still remain to be done. For example, the walls may not have been plastered, the building may not have been painted and even cases where all windows and doors may not have been fitted. In such situations, what would be required would be the year in which the building was first occupied.

Where extensive additions have been made record the year when these additions were completed. In cases of minor additions however, it is the year when the original structure was completed that is required.

The occupier is likely to be surer of the most recent completion dates. For earlier years only an approximate completion date is necessary since a number of years are grouped together for each answer.

Jordan 2004 — source variable JO2004A_CONYR — Year of laying foundation of the building
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134. Year of laying fundaments of the building _ _ _ _
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Year of laying the foundation
It means the year when the main foundation for the building was laid.

Question 134 - the year of beginning of construction (laying the foundation):
This question is about the year when the construction of the building began. This is the year when the foundation of the building, or a part of it, was laid. The question is not about the year or the years when there were other additions to the building. For example, if the construction began by the building that consists of three rooms and their annexes in the year 1962. Then another floor was added in year 1975. In this case, the year of construction of the building is 1962 and not 1975. The enumerator in this case enters the year of construction in the corresponding field in the question. The entry fills four cells as follows 1962. In the case the year of the construction of the building is not known, the enumerator should write the phrase "not known" in the corresponding field.
With respect to marginal buildings (barracks, tents and hair tents, caves, caravans), they don't have a year of construction because they are marginal buildings. In this case, the enumerator put the sign (-). For industrial buildings (hangars and pre-fabricated buildings) used for purposes of industry or commerce, they should have year of construction.

Kyrgyzstan 2009 — source variable KG2009A_CONSTRUCT — Construction period
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Questions 1 -- 5 to be completed for residential buildings
[Questions 1-5]

4. Construction period

If rebuilt, extended, year of construction is considered initial year of construction.

[] 1 Before 1946
[] 2 1946-1960
[] 3 1961-1970
[] 4 1971-1980
[] 5 1981-1990
[] 6 1991-2000
[] 7 2001-2005
[] 8 2005-2008

Malaysia 1991 — source variable MY1991A_CONYR — Year of dwelling construction
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A3. In which year was the construction of these living quarters completed? _ _ _ _
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Question A3

This question is to obtain the actual year of completion of the construction of the LQ.

How to ask the question
Ask question as stated in questionnaire.

How to record the answer
Record the year given in the box provided.

If the respondent is unable to answer, try to probe and ask further questions as to whether the LQ was in existence during the Emergency Period (1948-1960), Independence Day (1957), 1970 and 1980 Census or any local significant event.

If the respondent is unable to give the exact year, try to estimate the "age" of the LQ and write on the dotted line.

If the respondent does not know the year of construction or the age of the LQ, then record "Not Known" on the dotted line.

For housing units within the same housing block (e.g., terrace houses), the year of construction of all units in the housing block should be the same.

If there is major renovation to the LQ (more than 50%), record the year in which the renovation was completed.

Morocco 2004 — source variable MA2004A_DWELLAGE — Age of construction / dwelling
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Housing characteristics (living conditions of the household)

L4. Age of the dwelling

[] 1 Fewer than 10 years
[] 2 10-19 years
[] 3 20-49 years
[] 4 50+ years

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L4: Age of the dwelling: is the age of construction. If the dwelling was built in phases, please consider the oldest age.
1. Fewer than 10 years
2. 10-19 years
3. 20-49 years
4. 50 years or more

Nepal 2011 — source variable NP2011A_DWAGE — Age of house in years
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Household Information

[2.5] How old is the house? ____

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Household information

2.5 How old is the house?
The age of the house where the family is living in should be determined/identified and written in years. If the house is constructed is less than a year ago, 00 should be written in the specified place. If the house was constructed earlier, and some floors were added later, then the first construction date should be identified in case of such a house and accordingly the total number years should be written. The family living in rental may not know the age of the house. In such case, the age should be written as per the response from the owner of the house.

Nicaragua 1971 — source variable NI1971A_YRBUILT — Year of construction
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15. Year of construction

When was the construction of the building completed?
[] 1 One year ago or less (from the date of the census)
____ If more than one year ago (from the date of the census) fill in the year

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Question #15

Year of construction
a. How to carry out the investigation
The purpose of this topic is to investigate, on one hand, the number of buildings or dwellings whose construction was finished between March of 1970 and April of 1971; or "One year or less before the census date". The other item investigated is the number of buildings whose construction was finished previous to March of 1970.

b. How to record the data
If the dwelling's construction was completed between March of 1970 and April of 1971, an "X" is marked in box 1

[p. 36]

located after the sentence "One year or less before the census date". If the dwelling was completed before March of 1970, the year of construction is written in the space provided.

c. Example:

[These instructions refer to a graph of question 15 on the census form]

Panama 1980 — source variable PA1980A_YRCON — Year of construction
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Ask questions 3 through 14 only for those dwellings, with inhabitants present, that are classified in boxes 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5 of question number 1, Type of Dwelling.

14. Was this dwelling built between 1970 and 1980?

[] Yes
[] No
[] Doesn't know

If "Yes", write the year of construction ____

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Question 14 Was this dwelling built between 1970 and 1980?

Mark the corresponding box according to the person's answer.
If the answer is "yes", ask what in what year was the enumerated dwelling built and write it down in the corresponding space.
There will be cases in which the person does not know the date. Try to get the information from other sources (the neighbors, the lessee, etc.). In other cases, the information will be found written down on a special card at the entrance of the building.
Keep in mind that in tenement houses and apartments this information will be uniform for all dwellings. En the case of having exhausted all resources without getting the information, mark the box "not known".

Panama 1990 — source variable PA1990A_CONYR — Year of the building of the dwelling
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13. In what year was this dwelling built?
[] 1 Before 1980
[] 2 Between 1980 and 1985
[] 3 Between 1986 and 1990
[] 4 Doesn't know

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Questions 3 to 14 only are asked at dwellings with occupants present classified in one of the circles 01 to 05 of question Number 1 "Type of Dwelling".

Question Number 13: In what year was this dwelling built?
Mark a single circle according to the response of the person. Read the alternatives given in the questionnaire.
There will be cases in which the person does not know the date. Try to get the information from other sources (the neighbors, the lessee, etc.). In other cases, the information will be found written down on a special card at the entrance of the building. Keep in mind that in tenement houses and apartments this information should be uniform for all dwellings. In case of having extinguished all resources without getting the information, mark circle 4, " not known".

Panama 2000 — source variable PA2000A_CONYR — Period of construction of the dwelling
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13. In what period was the dwelling built?
[] 1 Before 1990
[] 2 Between 1990 and 1995
[] 3 Between 1996 and 2000
[] 4 Doesn't know

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Questions 3 to 15 are only asked at dwellings with occupants present (Circle 1).

Question No. 13: In what period was this dwelling built?

Information that is obtained in this question will permit us to determine the amount of dwellings that have been built in each space of time and at the same time to verify the statistical study of the construction in the period between censuses.

[To the left of the text is a picture of a house.]

Mark a single circle according to the response of the person. Read the given alternatives in the questionnaire.
Some times a situation can be presented in which a person does not know the date of construction. In this case it is recommended to request information from other routes (neighbor, lessee, etc.), when you are enumerating apartment buildings or tenement houses, the information should be equal for all the dwellings. If finally you do not succeed in obtaining the required information, mark circle 4 "Not known."

Panama 2010 — source variable PA2010A_CONSTRYR — Period of construction of the dwelling
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4. When was this dwelling built?
[] 1 Before 2000
[] 2 Between 2000 and 2005
[] 3 Between 2006 and 2010
[] 4 Not known

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Question No. 4: When was this dwelling built?
The information that is obtained in this question will allow us to determine the number of dwellings that have been built at each period of time and, also, to verify statistics on construction during the inter-census period.
The objective is to investigate the period of time when the dwelling was built, either before 2000, between 2000 and 2005, or between 2006 and 2010.
Read the alternatives given in the questionnaire and mark only one circle, according to the response of the person being enumerated.
Sometimes the respondent may ignore the construction date. In this case, it is recommended to ask for the information from other sources (neighbor, renter, among others). When you are enumerating apartments in a building or rooms in a tenement, the information must be the same for all the dwellings. If you cannot obtain the required information, mark the circle 4 "unknown".
Clarification: Mark the starting period of the dwelling construction, even if it is a room. Do not consider any renovation.
The dwelling that you are visiting, according to the respondent, was built in April 2002.

Philippines 1990 — source variable PH1990A_BLTYR — Year building was built
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B5. Year Building/House was Built

When was this building/house built?

___ Enter code

01 1990
02 1989
03 1988
04 1987
05 1986
06 1981-1985
07 1971-1980
08 1961-1970
09 1951-1960
10 1950 or earlier
98 Not applicable
99 Don't know

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B5 Year Building/House was Built

This provides the basis for appraising the building/house inventory in terms of durability, the expected rate of replacement, the estimate of the annual rate of building/house construction during the inter-censal period or the preceding 10 years. It also provides the estimate for maintenance costs and an insight into the housing patterns of the population.

The year the building was built refers to the year when the construction was completed and when ready for occupancy and not when construction began. Generally, building construction commenced and finished within the same year, although there are cases when the period of construction extends to several years. Report the year when the building was finished.

If the building is being constructed and vacant, enter 98 to signify that the question is not applicable to the building. If the building is being constructed but already occupied, enter the year when it was occupied.

Enter the appropriate code as per coding scheme below:

01 1990
02 1989
03 1988
04 1987
05 1986
06 1981 - 1985
07 1971 - 1980
08 1961 - 1970
09 1951 - 1960
10 1950 or earlier
98 Not Applicable
99 Don't know

If the respondent finds difficulty in giving the year the building/house was ready for occupancy, help approximate the year by mentioning some historical/national events. The respondent himself may mention an event that occurred when the building was built.


a. 1950 or earlier
Prior to 1945 - President was either Osmena, Laurel, or Quezon
1945 - Liberation
1946 - Independence Day
1948 - Death of President Roxas
1948 - 1953 - President was Elpidio Quirino

b. 1951 - 1960

1954 - President Magsaysay was elected president
1957 - Death of President Magsaysay in a plane crash
1957 - 1960 - President was Carlos Garcia

c. 1961 - 1970

1961 - Diosdado Macapagal was elected president
1965 - Ferdinand Marcos was elected president
1968 - Ruby Towers was ruined by an earthquake
1969 - Ferdinand Marcos was re-elected (Sergio Osmena, Jr. was the presidential candidate
by the other party then)

d. 1971 - 1980

1972 - President Marcos declared Martial Law
1978 - Elections for Interim National Assembly (Ninoy Aquino was a candidate)

e. 1981 - 1985

1981 - Pope John Paul II came to the Philippines
1983 - Former Senator Benigno Aquino was assassinated

f. 1986

President Corazon Aquino was proclaimed president via People's Power/February Revolution

Philippines 2000 — source variable PH2000A_YRBLT — Year building/house was built
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B5. Year building/house was built
When was this building/house built?
(Please cross out one of the selections below)

[] 2000
[] 1999
[] 1998
[] 1997
[] 1996
[] 1991-1995
[] 1981-1990
[] 1971-1980
[] 1961-1970
[] 1960 or earlier
[] Not applicable
[] Don't know

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B5 Year building/house was built

This provides the basis for appraising the building/house inventory in terms of durability, the expected rate of replacement, and the estimate of the annual rate of building/house construction during the inter-censal period or the preceding 10 years. It also provides the estimate for maintenance costs and an insight into the housing patterns of the population.

The year the building was built refers to the year when the construction was completed and when ready for occupancy and not when construction began. Generally, building construction commenced and finished within the same year, although there are cases when the period of construction extends to several years. Report the year when the building was finished.

If the building is being constructed and vacant, mark the circle opposite the category Not applicable to signify that the question is not applicable to the building. If the building is being constructed but already occupied, enter the year when it was occupied.

Cross out the circle opposite the appropriate selection.

[] 01 2000
[] 02 1999
[] 03 1998
[] 04 1997
[] 05 1996
[] 06 1991-1995
[] 07 1981-1990
[] 08 1971-1980
[] 09 1961-1970
[] 10 1960 or earlier
[] 98 Not applicable
[] 99 Don't Know

If the respondent finds difficulty in giving the year the building/house was ready for occupancy, help approximate the year by mentioning some historical/national events. The respondent himself may mention an event that occurred when the building was built.

Philippines 2010 — source variable PH2010A_BLTYEAR — Year building or house was built
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B5. Year building / house was built- When was this building/house built?

B5 is to be asked from any household in the building. Write X in the box.

[] 01 2010
[] 02 2009
[] 03 2008
[] 04 2007
[] 05 2006
[] 06 2001-2005
[] 07 1991-2000
[] 08 1981-1990
[] 09 1971-1980
[] 10 1970 or earlier
[] 12 Don't know
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Specific Instructions by Items
To ask the questions correctly, follow the instructions for each item of CPH Form 2. The rationale and/or importance of each item are explained.

B5-Year Building/House was Built
Item B5--Year building/house was built shall be asked from a responsible member of any household in the building.

This item provides basis for appraising the building/house inventory in terms of durability, expected rate of replacement, and estimate of rate of building/house construction over time. It also provides an estimate for maintenance costs and an insight into the housing patterns of the population.
[Dictionary Definition] The year the building/house was built refers to the year when the construction was completed and ready for occupancy and not when construction began. Generally, building constructions commence and are finished within the same year. There are cases, however, when the construction period lasts for several years. Report the year when the building was finished.
Ask the respondent, "When was this building/house built? If the building/house under construction is still vacant, write "X" in the box opposite the category not applicable to signify that the question is not applicable to the building/house. Otherwise, if it is already occupied while construction is still on going, enter the year when it was occupied.
Write "X" in the box opposite the appropriate category.

[] 01 2010
[] 02 2009
[] 03 2008
[] 04 2007
[] 05 2006
[] 06 2001-2005
[] 07 1991-2000
[] 08 1981-1990
[] 09 1971-1980
[] 10 1970 or earlier
[] 11 Not applicable
[] 12 Don't know

If the respondent finds it difficult to give the year the building/house became ready for occupancy, help him/her approximate the year by mentioning some historical/national events. The respondent himself/herself may be able to mention an event that occurred in the past which may be indicative of the year the building/house was built. Refer to pages 107-108 of this chapter for the examples of famous historical/national events.

Poland 1978 — source variable PL1978A_BLTYEAR — Period (year) of construction of building
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2. Period (year) of construction

[] X before 1918
[] 9 1918 - 1944
[] 0 1945 - 1970
[] For buildings constructed after 1970 two last digits of construction year should be written in _ _
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64 Period (year) of construction (Question II) [p. 89]
1. For the buildings constructed up to 1970, the period of construction is only required and shall be specified as follows:

- For the buildings constructed before 1918 that is before the end of the First World War, the x symbol shall be encircled,
- The 9 symbol shall be encircled for all the buildings constructed during the interwar period, that is 1918-1944,
- The 0 symbol shall be encircled for buildings constructed between 1945-1970 that is after the Second World War and up to the last census.

2. For the buildings constructed after 1970, the exact year of construction shall be provided.
3. If the building was constructed in parts, then the date of construction of the last part of the building shall be specified.
4. If during the census the building is not yet completed but some parts of it are occupied (one part of the building is used and the others are constructed), then the symbol of the current year (78) shall be provided.
If the construction has been canceled and only a part of the building is completed, then the year of construction of the said part shall be indicated.
5. If the building has been reconstructed after the war-related damages (with the utilization of the original walls), then the year of its construction rather than that of the said renovation shall be specified in the form.
6. If the building has been reconstructed in its entirety, then the year of such a reconstruction shall be specified (the case may concern whole cities as well).

Poland 1988 — source variable PL1988A_BLTYEAR — Year of construction
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Characteristics of households

Fill for the building in which at least one dwelling was enumerated. Answers for questions 1-10 write in only once -- in a first enumerated dwelling. In the forms filled for other dwellings this part should be crossed.

6. When was the building built:

[] 01 Before 1918
[] 02 1918 - 1944
[] 03 1945 - 1960
[] 04 1961 - 1970
[] 05 1971 - 1978
[] 06 1979 - 1980
[] 07 1981 - 1982
[] 08 1983 - 1985
[] 09 1986
[] 10 1987
[] 11 1988
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Characteristics of a building

57 When was the building built? (Question 6) [p. 48]
The year of establishment is defined as the year, in which the construction was finished, so the building was ready to be used. If a building was finished partially, then the year of establishment is defined as the year of finishing the last part of it.

If the construction wasn't finished in the moment of the census, but the building is partially occupied, current year's symbol should be indicated if a construction was terminated and this condition has been fixed for few years, the year of establishment should be equal to the year of inhabiting the finished part of it.

If the building was completely renovated, the year of renovation shouldn't be considered, but only the year of establishment, and the issue of renovation should be noted.

If the building was reconstructed after being completely demolished, then the year of establishment is defined as the year of reconstruction's finishing (It may even apply to a part of the city).

Poland 2002 — source variable PL2002A_BLTYEAR — Period of the building construction
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3. a) Period of the building construction
[] 1 Before 1918
[] 2 1919-1944
[] 3 1945-1970
[] 4 1971-1978
[] 5 1979-1988
[] 6 1989-2002
[] 7 Under construction
3.b) If the answer is 1989 - 2002 - please fill in the year when the building was completed: ____
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General information [p. 57]

1. Information about the building should be determined only in case of buildings housing more than one dwelling. In case there are two or more enumerated dwellings in the building, indicate information about the building only in the first enumerated dwelling.

2. Information about the buildings housing the dwellings which are managed by legal persons and organizational units without legal personality will be given by the administrative authorities of these buildings.

This information will be given before the census on auxiliary forms, Characteristics of building or they will be directly given to the enumerators, which will contact the administrative authorities in the day of conducting the census.
The forms with Characteristics of Building, after they have been used, should be returned to the enumeration office with the whole set of enumeration materials.

3. Information about the individual buildings owned by private persons i.e. about single-family houses and the so-called small dwelling-houses should be determined by the enumerator during the census and be directly filled-in to the Questionnaire A.

Question 3a and 3b. Period of the building construction? [p. 59-60]

1. The year of the building construction is the year when the construction was finished i.e. the building was rendered for public use/completed. However, if the building was partially rendered for use (by staircases or wings), the valid year of building construction is the year of completion of the last part of the building.

2. If the building has been reconstructed after it was entirely destroyed, the year of reconstruction completion is valid. However, the fact of a complete renovation of a building should not be taken into consideration when determining the year of construction. Only the year of its construction is valid in that case.
Page 30
3. In case there has been an additional space built on to an already existing building (e.g. one or two rooms or an additional floor), the year of construction of the original building and not of the annex should be taken into consideration while enumeration.

Portugal 1981 — source variable PT1981A_CONYR — Period of construction
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1. Type of building and period of construction:
Building, constructed or reconstructed:

[] 1 Before 1919
[] 2 From 1919 to 1945
[] 3 From 1946 to 1960
[] 4 From 1961 to 1970
[] 5 From 1971 to 1975
[] 6 From 1976 to 1979
[] 7 From 1980 or 1981

[] 8 Other case

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Question 1 - Type of building and period of construction

First of all, you will have to consider the type, meaning that you will need to check if you are looking at a conventional building or at some other type.

The period of construction will only be assigned for those buildings in the first case.
To collect the correct information you must enlighten yourself about the year or period of construction you must ask the proprietary, the doorman or any of the older residents.
In cases where persons (due to old age) might have difficulties remembering the exact period of construction, ask for comparisons with some milestones (i.e. before or after WWI, etc.)

In cases of persisting doubt, choose by using information or indications you may relate to the building structure.

Note: If a reconstruction was undertaken please use that work period as the information and not the original construction period.

Always mark as "other cases" if the housing unit is a shack, a mobile housing unit or other dwellings in places not destined to be inhabited.

Portugal 1991 — source variable PT1991A_CONYR — Period of construction
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5. Type of building and period of construction
Building constructed/enlarged or transformed by:
[] 1 Before 1919
[] 2 1919 -- 45
[] 3 1946 -- 60
[] 4 1961 -- 70
[] 5 1971 -- 80
[] 6 1981 -- 85
[] 7 1986 -- 91
[] 9 Other type

If option 9 was selected, end this questionnaire

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Question 5: Type of building and period of construction

The first aspect that has to be considered is the type of building to be enumerated. One can find a conventional building in the sense that its structure and the materials used to build it are permanent, or other types of inhabited constructions, which should be chosen when you identify a shack or other improvised construction, tent, caravan, boat, natural shelter, etc.

Note: If the later building type is chosen (option 9) the filling-in of this questionnaire is over.

As you can understand by the question's structure, the period of construction will only be collected for classical (conventional) buildings.

To collect the correct information and classify the building into categories 1 through 7, you must inform yourself about the year or period of construction by asking the proprietary, doorman or any of the older residents.

In cases where persons (due to old age) might have some difficulties remembering the exact period of construction, ask for comparisons with some milestones (i.e. before or after the World War I, etc.).

In cases of persisting doubt decide by using information of similar and nearby buildings.

Note: If reconstruction was undertaken please register the date for reconstruction and not the original construction period.

Portugal 2001 — source variable PT2001A_CONYR — Year built
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13. Period of construction:
[] 1 Before 1919
[] 2 From 1919 to 1945
[] 3 From 1946 to 1960
[] 4 From 1961 to 1970
[] 5 From 1971 to 1980
[] 6 From 1981 to 1985
[] 7 From 1986 to 1990
[] 8 From 1991 to 1995
[] 9 From 1996 to 2001

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Question 13 - Period of construction

By period of construction we understand:
The period of construction of the building as said, or the period of construction of the main part of the building, meaning the support structure, when different parts of a building correspond to different periods of construction.
The period of reconstruction, for buildings that have undertaken complete transformation.
To collect the correct information you must enlighten yourself about the year or period of construction you must ask the proprietary, the doorman or any of the older residents.
In cases where persons (due to old age) might have some difficulties remembering the exact period of construction ask for comparisons with some milestones (i.e. before or after the 1st world war, etc.)
In cases of persisting doubt decide by using information of similar and next by buildings.

Note: If a reconstruction was undertaken please use that works period as the information and not the original construction period.

Portugal 2011 — source variable PT2011A_BLTYR — Period of construction
Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image Filling out the Building questionnaire

Question 9 - What year was the building constructed?
[There is an image of box for question 9]
The year refers to the period corresponding to:

The actual construction of the building;
Construction of the main part of the building (when different parts of the building were made at different times)
Or remodeling of the building, in case of buildings that have undergone transformations.

A building that has undergone a complete transformation refers to a remodel (preserving the front or not). That is, remodeling after a total or partial demolition of the existing building, that results in upkeep of the building's exterior, the height and a number of floors.
To tell the year that the building was constructed, you should find out from the owner, the doorman, or one of the residents about the year of construction or an approximate age.
In case of doubt, decide which seems the most appropriate, depending on the structure of the building or comparison with other neighboring buildings of similar characteristics.

Puerto Rico 2010 — source variable PR2010A_BUILTYR2 — Age of structure, decade
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[Questions 1-3 were asked of all households.]

2. About when was this building first built?

[] 2000 or later
Specify year _ _ _ _
[] 1990 to 1999
[] 1980 to 1989
[] 1970 to 1979
[] 1960 to 1969
[] 1950 to 1959
[] 1940 to 1949
[] 1939 or earlier
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Answer questions 1 through 21 for the house, apartment, or mobile home at the address on the mailing label.

2. Mark the box that corresponds to the year in which the original construction was completed, not the time of any later remodeling, additions, or conversions.

If the building was first built in 2000 or later, enter the exact year it was built.

If you live on a boat or in a mobile home, enter the year corresponding to the model year in which it was manufactured.

If you do not know the year the building was first built, enter your best estimate.

Puerto Rico 2015 — source variable PR2015A_BUILTYR2 — Age of structure, decade
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Please answer the following questions about the house, apartment, or mobile home at the address on the mailing label.

2. About when was this building first built?

[] 2000 or later
Specify year _ _ _ _
[] 1990 to 1999
[] 1980 to 1989
[] 1970 to 1979
[] 1960 to 1969
[] 1950 to 1959
[] 1940 to 1949
[] 1939 or earlier
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Answer questions 1 through 21 for the house, apartment, or mobile home at the address on the mailing label.

2. Mark the box that corresponds to the year in which the original construction was completed, not the time of any later remodeling, additions, or conversions.

If the building was first built in 2000 or later, enter the exact year it was built.

If you live on a boat or in a mobile home, enter the year corresponding to the model year in which it was manufactured.

If you do not know the year the building was first built, enter your best estimate.

Puerto Rico 2020 — source variable PR2020A_BUILTYR2 — Age of structure, decade
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Please answer the following questions about the house, apartment, or mobile home at the address on the mailing label.

2. About when was this building first built?

[] 2000 or later -- Specify year -- _ _ _ _
[] 1990 to 1999
[] 1980 to 1989
[] 1970 to 1979
[] 1960 to 1969
[] 1950 to 1959
[] 1940 to 1949
[] 1939 or earlier
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Housing questions 1-3

Answer the following questions about the house, apartment, or mobile home at the address on the mailing label.

H2. Mark the box that corresponds to the year in which the original construction was completed, not the time of any later remodeling, additions, or conversions.

If the building was first built in 2000 or later, enter the exact year it was built.

If you live on a boat or in a mobile home, enter the year corresponding to the model year in which it was manufactured.

If you do not know the year the building was first built, give your best estimate.

Romania 1977 — source variable RO1977A_CONYR — Construction year
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3. Year of construction 1 _ _ _
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23. Year of construction (item 3).

The year when the building was put into commission is considered the year of construction. This is the year when the building's work was completed (when all the inside equipment was fixed and finishing works completed).

For buildings partially put into commission, the year of construction will be considered the year when the first dwelling was finished or if it was a single dwelling building, when the first room was ready for habitation.

For the buildings where extension attachments have been undertaken or new floors were added after the construction was finished, the year of construction may be the year when the building was originally constructed. If these additional spaces are larger than the initial building capacity (expressed by the size of the newly created surface), the year of construction will be considered the year of last additional construction (or the year an additional extra floor was constructed).

When the year of construction is unknown, this will be assessed by taking into consideration the following: similarity with other buildings from the same census sector or even other census sectors where the year of construction is known, or the existence of construction materials or of a certain particular construction style that is characteristic to a certain years or period, etc.

Romania 2002 — source variable RO2002A_BLDAGE — Age of building
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_ _ _ _ 19. Year of construction of the building
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Year of construction of the building (item 19)

41. It is considered as the year of construction, the year when the building was put into commission, respectively the year when the building's works were completed, (when all the inside equipment was fixed, and finishing works terminated).

For the buildings partially put into commission, the year of construction will be considered the year when the first dwelling was finished, or whether it was a single dwelling building, when the first room was ready for habitation.

For the buildings where the extension attachment have been undertaken, or new floors were added, after the construction was finished, the year of construction may be the year when the building was originally constructed. If these additional spaces are larger than the initial building capacity (expressed by the size of the new created surface), the year of construction will be considered the year of the latest additional construction (or additional extra floor was constructed).

For the buildings, where reconstruction have been undertaken, by transforming more than 50 % of the initial construction, the year of construction will be considered the year when this house was rebuild.

When the year of construction is unknown, this will be assessed taking into consideration the following particularities:

-- similarity with the other buildings from the same census sector, or even other census sectors, (where the year of construction is known);
-- the existence of construction materials or of a certain particular construction style, characteristic to a certain years or period, etc.

Romania 2011 — source variable RO2011A_BLTYR — Year of building construction
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Questions 25-29 are to be answered only if at least one conventional dwelling in the building

26. Building construction period (year)

[] 1 Before 1919
[] 2 1919-1945
[] 3 1946- 1960
[] 4 1961- 1970
[] 5 After 1970, year _ _ _ _

Slovenia 2002 — source variable SI2002A_BLDYR — Year of construction of the building
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10. Year of construction of the building _ _ _ _
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10 Year of construction of the building:
The enumerator enters the year in which the building was constructed. The four-digit year must be entered.

For buildings that were damaged or almost ruined but were later on restored, the enumerator enters the year of reconstruction or restoration and not the year of construction.

For finished dwellings in unfinished buildings, the enumerator enters the year when the dwelling was finished.

For unfinished but occupied buildings, the enumerator enters code 9997.

For provisionally occupied buildings, the enumerator enters code 9998.

Spain 2001 — source variable ES2001A_CONSTYR1 — Year of construction, categorized

No questionnaire text is available for this sample.

Spain 2001 — source variable ES2001A_CONSTYR2 — Year of construction, since 1990

No questionnaire text is available for this sample.

Spain 2011 — source variable ES2011A_CONSTYR — Year of construction
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4.A.2 Construction period of the building

The construction period of the building refers to the date in which the building has been finished. For those buildings that have suffered a substantial reform after their construction, it is considered as a year of construction in which the said reform has been finished.

[p. 64]

Its objective is to know the age of the area of buildings and the recent evolution of the construction during the last years.

Categories of this variable:

Before 1920
Constructed after the year 2000 (this information will be disaggregated year by year)

Suriname 2012 — source variable SR2012A_BLTYEAR — Building year
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Household module

Part 1: Characteristics of the inhabited building
[Applies to questions 1 - 4]

4. In what year / period was this building erected?

[] 1 Before 1980
[] 2 1980-1989
[] 3 1990-1999
[] 4 2000-2004
[] 5 2005
[] 6 2006
[] 7 2007
[] 8 2008
[] 9 2009
[] 10 2010
[] 11 2011
[] 12 2012
[] 97 Don't know
[] 99 No response

Switzerland 1970 — source variable CH1970A_YRBUILT — Year structure was built
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2. Type of building

c) When was the building constructed?

[] Before 1947
[] 1947 -- 1960
[] After 1960

[Notes to question 2]
a) Motor homes, ships, emergency shelters are to be indicated as such.

b) For farms, question 2b is to be answered "Yes" even if living spaces and agricultural spaces are separated.

c) In case of extensions and renovations the year of the original construction is to be chosen; in case of complete rebuilding, the year of rebuilding.

Switzerland 1980 — source variable CH1980A_YRBUILT — Year structure was built

No questionnaire text is available for this sample.

Switzerland 1990 — source variable CH1990A_YRBUILT — Year structure was built

No questionnaire text is available for this sample.

Switzerland 2000 — source variable CH2000A_YRBUILT — Year structure was built
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[Questions 2-11 are asked about buildings, not mobile accommodations.]

5. When was the building constructed?

[] Before 1919
[] 1919-1945
[] 1946-1960
[] 1961-1970
[] 1971-1980
[] 1981-1990
[] 1991-1995
[] After 1995

Switzerland 2011 — source variable CH2011A_BUILTYR — Building construction period
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3.2 Basic statistics on buildings and dwellings

3.2.3 Basic output
The data from the Federal Register of Buildings and Dwellings will be evaluated on an annual basis. For some indicators, the Federal Register of Buildings and Dwellings will be combined with the population registers of the communes. It will be possible to evaluate data from the statistics on buildings and dwellings for different population groups. Evaluations will be possible at all geographic levels. Some housing supply evaluations and the analysis of the use of dwellings will only be possible once the introduction of the Federal Dwelling identifier in the population registers is completed.

T3 Information provided by basic statistics on buildings and dwellings

Age of building          

- Year of construction
- Year of renovation of the building

Trinidad and Tobago 1970 — source variable TT1970A_BLTYR — Year dwelling was built
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Section VIII. Housing

[Questions 36-43 asked of the head of the household only.]

40. Year when dwelling built

[] 1970
[] 1969
[] 1968
[] 1960-1967
[] 1951-1959
[] 1950 or earlier
[] Not stated
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H. Section VIII - Housing

This section, comprising eight questions - numbered 36 to 43 inclusive - must be marked on the questionnaire for the head of the household only.

73. Question 40 - Year when dwelling built

This question is to determine the year or period during which the structure was built. In some cases, the occupier of the dwelling, especially if he is renting, may not be able to tell you the year or approximate time when the structure was built. Diligent enquiries from persons who have been living for a long time in the area, may assist you in arriving at an accurate estimate.

In the case of dwellings which have been re-conditioned or have undergone structural changes or additions, the year of the original building must be marked and not the period when the improvements were completed.

There may be instances where a structure, though not completed is occupied by a household. In such cases you must mark the year, the incomplete structure was occupied for the first time. In these cases, for the purpose of the Census, occupancy and not structural completion characterizes a finished dwelling. For all structures completed or occupied during 1950 or earlier, mark the relevant space.

Trinidad and Tobago 1980 — source variable TT1980A_BLTYR — Built year
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Characteristics of Building

37. Year when building was built
In what year was the building originally built?

[] 1 1980
[] 2 1979
[] 3 1978
[] 4 1977--1970
[] 5 1969--1961
[] 6 1960 or earlier
[] 7 Don't know
[] 9 Not stated
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Section 10 - Housing

Question 37 - Year when building was built

This question seeks to determine the year when the structure was originally built. In some cases, the owner/occupant of the dwelling may not be able to tell you the year when the structure was built. Diligent enquiries from persons who have been living for a long time in the area may assist you in arriving at an accurate estimate. It is to be noted that the precoded time periods permit an approximation. You may also find it useful to enquire from the occupier or owner how long he/she has been living at that address.

In the case of buildings which have been re-conditioned or have undergone major structural changes, record the year when the major structural changes were completed.

There may be instances where a structure, though not completed, is occupied by a household. In such cases you must record the period or year in which the incomplete structure was occupied for the first time. In these cases, for the purpose of the census, occupancy and not structural completion characterizes a finished building.

For persons living in temporary buildings during construction of their own houses take the year the temporary building was built.

Trinidad and Tobago 1990 — source variable TT1990A_BLTYR — Year when building was built
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Characteristics of occupied building

36. Year when building was built

[] 1 1990
[] 2 1989
[] 3 1988
[] 4 1987 - 1980
[] 5 1979 - 1971
[] 6 1970 or earlier
[] 7 Don't know
[] 9 Not stated
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Section 10 - Housing

Question 36 - Year when building was built

This question seeks to determine the year when the structure was originally built. In some cases, the owner/occupant of the dwelling may not be able to tell you the year when the structure was built. Diligent enquiries from persons who have been living for a long time in the area may assist you in arriving at an accurate estimate. It is to be noted that the pre-coded time periods permit an approximation. You may also find it useful to enquire from the occupier or owner how long he/she has been living at that address.
In the case of buildings which have been re-conditioned or have undergone major structural changes, record the year when the major structural changes were completed.
There may be instances where a structure, though not completed, is occupied by a household. In such cases you must record the period or year in which the incomplete structure was occupied for the first time. In these cases, for the purpose of the census, occupancy and not structural completion characterizes a finished building.

Trinidad and Tobago 2000 — source variable TT2000A_BLTYR — Year building was built
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Section 14. Housing and household items - Head of household

Characteristics of occupied building

49. Year when building was built

[] 1. 2000
[] 2. 1999
[] 3. 1998
[] 4. 1997
[] 5. 1996
[] 6. 1990-1995
[] 7. 1989 or earlier
[] 8. Don't know
[] 9. Not stated
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Characteristics of occupied building

Question 49 - Year when building was built

This question seeks to determine the year when the structure was originally built. In some cases, the owner/occupant of the dwelling may not be able to tell you the year when the structure was built.

Discrete inquiries from persons who have been living for a long time in the area may assist you in arriving at an accurate estimate. It is to be noted that the pre-coded time periods permit an approximation.

You may also find it useful to inquire from the occupier or owner how long he/she has been living at that address.

Where parts of a building have been constructed at different times, the year or period of construction should refer to the major part of the construction of the building

In the case of buildings which have been re-conditioned or have under-gone major structural changes, record the year when the major structural changes were completed.

There may be instances where a structure, though not completed, is occupied by a household. In such cases, you must record the period or year in which the incomplete structure was occupied for the first time. In these cases, for the purpose of the census, occupancy and not structural completion characterizes a finished building.

Trinidad and Tobago 2011 — source variable TT2011A_BLTYR — Year built
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Section 11: Housing - Head of household

A. Characteristics of Building

40. Year built

In which year/period was this building built?

[] 01 Before 1980
[] 02 1980-1989
[] 03 1990-1999
[] 04 2000-2005
[] 05 2006
[] 06 2007
[] 07 2008
[] 08 2009
[] 09 2010
[] 98 Don't know
[] 99 Not Stated
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Section 11 - Housing

11.4. Year when building was built

The census will collect information on the year when the building was originally built. Where parts of buildings have been constructed at different times, the year or period of construction should refer to the time in which the major part of construction of the building was undertaken. In the event of major structural changes to the building affecting foundation, walls and ceiling, the year in which the building underwent such major structural changes will be acceptable.

United States 2010 — source variable US2010A_BUILTYR2 — Age of structure, decade
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2. About when was this building first built?

[] 2000 or later. Specify year: ______
[] 1990 to 1999
[] 1980 to 1989
[] 1970 to 1979
[] 1960 to 1969
[] 1950 to 1959
[] 1940 to 1949
[] 1939 or earlier

United States 2015 — source variable US2015A_BUILTYR2 — Age of structure, decade
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Please answer the following questions about the house, apartment, or mobile home at the address on the mailing label.

2. About when was this building first built?

[] 2000 or later, Specify year _ _ _ _
[] 1990 to 1999
[] 1980 to 1989
[] 1970 to 1979
[] 1960 to 1969
[] 1950 to 1959
[] 1940 to 1949
[] 1939 or earlier
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Answer questions 1 through 21 for the house, apartment, or mobile home at the address on the mailing label.

2. Mark the box that corresponds to the year in which the original construction was completed, not the time of any later remodeling, additions, or conversions.
If the building was first built in 2000 or later, enter the exact year it was built.
If you live on a boat or in a mobile home, enter the year corresponding to the model year in which it was manufactured.
If you do not know the year the building was first built, enter your best estimate.

United States 2020 — source variable US2020A_BUILTYR2 — Age of structure, decade
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Please answer the following questions about the house, apartment, or mobile home at the address on the mailing label.

2. About when was this building first built?

[] 2000 or later -- Specify year -- _ _ _ _
[] 1990 to 1999
[] 1980 to 1989
[] 1970 to 1979
[] 1960 to 1969
[] 1950 to 1959
[] 1940 to 1949
[] 1939 or earlier
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Housing questions 1-3

Answer the following questions about the house, apartment, or mobile home at the address on the mailing label.

H2. Mark the box that corresponds to the year in which the original construction was completed, not the time of any later remodeling, additions, or conversions.

If the building was first built in 2000 or later, enter the exact year it was built.

If you live on a boat or in a mobile home, enter the year corresponding to the model year in which it was manufactured.

If you do not know the year the building was first built, give your best estimate.

Uruguay 2006 — source variable UY2006A_YRSRESTOR — Years since restoration/construction
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MV1. How many years have passed since this building was built or restored has this dwelling?
[] 1 Fewer than 5 years
[] 2 Between 5 and 10 years
[] 3 Between 11 and 20 years
[] 4 Between 21 and 30 years
[] 5 More than 30 years

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MV1. How many years ago was the dwelling built or restored?

In order to determine the age of the dwelling the years since construction of the last restoration need to be considered. Restoration is understood, for this survey, as the reform or important restoration of the dwelling, that is to say this implies a substantial alteration of the structure of built area, which will cause an increment of its real value.

Vietnam 1989 — source variable VN1989A_YRBUILT — Year of construction
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5. Year and period of construction:
[] 1 Before 1954
[] 2 From 1954-1960
[] 3 1961-1975
[] 4 1976-1980
[] 5 1981-1985
[] 6 1986
[] 7 1987
[] 8 1988
[] 9 1989

Vietnam 1999 — source variable VN1999A_YRBUILT — Year of construction before 1976
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6. In what year was this [main] house/flat put into use?
[] 1 Before 1976
[] 2 From 1976 up to now

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Question 6: What year did this (main) house/apartment become available for occupancy?
The investigator records the year the house was completed and began to be occupied. In cases where the household residence includes many parts, and each part was completed and occupied in different years, then only record the year the main part (with the largest area) of that house was constructed and was occupied.

If the house/apartment that the household currently lives in is completed and began to be occupied before 1976, then the investigator circles number "1". If the house/apartment that the household currently lives in is completed and began to be occupied from 1976 onward, then the investigator circles number "2", and at the same time write the last two digits of the year the house was completed and began to be used in the two designated boxes. For example, if a person reports that the house was completed and began to be occupied in 1987, then the record should be as follows: [An example has been omitted.]

Vietnam 1999 — source variable VN1999A_YRBUILT2 — Year of construction
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19 _ _
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Question 6: What year did this (main) house/apartment become available for occupancy?
The investigator records the year the house was completed and began to be occupied. In cases where the household residence includes many parts, and each part was completed and occupied in different years, then only record the year the main part (with the largest area) of that house was constructed and was occupied.

If the house/apartment that the household currently lives in is completed and began to be occupied before 1976, then the investigator circles number "1". If the house/apartment that the household currently lives in is completed and began to be occupied from 1976 onward, then the investigator circles number "2", and at the same time write the last two digits of the year the house was completed and began to be used in the two designated boxes. For example, if a person reports that the house was completed and began to be occupied in 1987, then the record should be as follows: [An example has been omitted.]

Vietnam 2009 — source variable VN2009A_BEGINYR — Year the dwelling started to be used
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[Questions 45-52 were asked of households that have and are representing the dwelling, as per questions 43 and 44.]

51. What year did the dwelling start to be used?

[] 1 Before 1975
[] 2 From 1975 to 1999
[] 3 From 2000 to now


[] 4 Not stated

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Question 51: In what year was the dwelling put in use?
The enumerator records the year that the dwelling's construction was completed and put into use. If the dwelling includes many parts, each of which was completed and put into use in different years, the enumerator records the year that the main part (with the largest floor space) was completed and put into use for the habitation.

If the dwelling that the household is using for habitation was completed and put in use before 1975, the enumerator marks (x) in the small box next to code "1"; from 1975 - 1999, the enumerator marks (x) in the small box next to code "2"; from 2000 to present, the enumerator marks (x) in the small box next to code "3", and at the same time, fills in the last digit of the year that the dwelling was completed and put into use for habitation in the printed box to the right of the figure "200".

[Graphic example omitted]

In case the household head does not remember what year the house was put into use, the enumerator marks (x) in the small box next to code "4".

Vietnam 2019 — source variable VN2019A_BLTYEAR — Period when dwelling was built
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Part 3. Information on housing

58. What year was this dwelling or flat built?

[] 1 Before 1975
[] 2 From 1975 to 1999
[] 3 From 2000 to 2009
[] 4 From 2010 to now
20_ _
[] 5 Not stated
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Part V: Instructions on how to question and record information on the census form

Part 3: Information about housing
The DTV collects information about the housing situation of the household. Do not collect housing information for specific demographics.

Question 58: From what year was this house/apartment used?
The DTV records the year in which the house was completed and put into use for the first time. In case a household's house consists of many parts, each part is completed and started to live in different years, the DTV only records the year in which the main part (with the largest area) of that house was completed and first put into use for living.

In case the owner household does not remember which year the house was put into use, the DTV chooses the code "Undetermined".

With remodeled houses: If a major repair causes changes to the structure of the house, record the year of the repair; If minor repairs, enter the year of the most recent major repair or the year of first use (in case there was never a major repair).

For example: A house was built in 1990 and has a tiled roof. In 2000, the tiled roof was removed, and renovated to facilitate pouring a concrete ceiling and building an additional floor. In 2005, the house was renovated and another floor was built. In this case, the DTV records the year of use of the house as 2000 because this is the year in which the house underwent its biggest structural change.

Vietnam 2019 — source variable VN2019A_BLTYEAR2 — Year when dwelling was built (if 2010 or later)
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Part 3. Information on housing

58. What year was this dwelling or flat built?

[] 1 Before 1975
[] 2 From 1975 to 1999
[] 3 From 2000 to 2009
[] 4 From 2010 to now
20_ _
[] 5 Not stated
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Part V: Instructions on how to question and record information on the census form

Part 3: Information about housing
The DTV collects information about the housing situation of the household. Do not collect housing information for specific demographics.

Question 58: From what year was this house/apartment used?
The DTV records the year in which the house was completed and put into use for the first time. In case a household's house consists of many parts, each part is completed and started to live in different years, the DTV only records the year in which the main part (with the largest area) of that house was completed and first put into use for living.

In case the owner household does not remember which year the house was put into use, the DTV chooses the code "Undetermined".

With remodeled houses: If a major repair causes changes to the structure of the house, record the year of the repair; If minor repairs, enter the year of the most recent major repair or the year of first use (in case there was never a major repair).

For example: A house was built in 1990 and has a tiled roof. In 2000, the tiled roof was removed, and renovated to facilitate pouring a concrete ceiling and building an additional floor. In 2005, the house was renovated and another floor was built. In this case, the DTV records the year of use of the house as 2000 because this is the year in which the house underwent its biggest structural change.