Questionnaire Text

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6. Resident characteristics

Work and earnings
For persons aged 10 years or older
[Questions 6.41 to 6.59 were asked for persons 10 years of age or older.]

[Questions 6.45 to 6.53 were asked for persons who reported working for pay, being temporarily away from a paid job, or helping another member of the household with a paid job during the reference week.]

6.51 In your main job, what was your usual gross monthly income (or withdrawal) in July, 2010?

[] 1 In cash, products or goods ____
[] 2 Only in benefits (housing, food, training, etc.).
[] 0 None

6.511 R$____.00

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

Work and Income
For residents 10 years of age or older

6.51 - In your main job, what was the monthly gross income (earnings) that you usually earned in July 2010?

Depending on the situation, record:

1 - In cash, products or goods: A person who was employed, employer or self-employed and received income in cash, products or goods from the main job. Select the range that corresponds to the income received in the main work and record the value of the usual monthly gross income (employee) or the value of regular monthly earnings (employer or self-employed).
2 - Only benefits (housing, food, training, etc.): A person who, in the main job, has been paid exclusively in benefits (housing, food, clothing, transportation, training, etc.), that is, was not paid in cash.
0 - No income: A person who did not get any type of income from the main job on the week of reference.