Questionnaire Text

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6. Resident characteristics

Work and earnings
For persons aged 10 years or older
[Questions 6.41 to 6.59 were asked for persons 10 years of age or older.]

In the week of 25 to 31 July, 2010, for at least 1 hour:
6.43 Did you have any kind of work without payment, like helping another member of household who is paid for this work?

[Question 6.43 was asked for persons who had not worked for pay in the reference week and did not report being temporarily away from paid work in that time period, per 6.42.]

[] 1 Yes (Skip to 6.45)
[] 2 No (Go to 6.44)

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

In the week of July 25 to 31, 2010, for at least one hour:
6.43 ? Did you work without payment for a member of your household?

Depending on the situation, record:
1 - Yes - For the person who, for at least a full hour on the week in reference, did unpaid work in order to help in an economic activity for a member of his/her household.

For example: A person lives with his/her father, who runs a bar. This person helps his/her father as a clerk at the bar every day for 2 (two) hours without payment. To that person, you should assign the code 1- Yes.

2 - No - For a person who:

  • Has not, throughout the week in reference, worked and has not received payment to help a household resident.
  • For example: A seamstress receives daily help from her daughter to do trimming. The daughter, who lives with her mother receives no payment, but she traveled and has not worked on the week of reference. For the daughter, select code 2 - No.