Questionnaire Text

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6. Resident characteristics

For people aged 5 years or more
[Questions 6.27 to 6.36 were asked for persons 5 years old or over.]

Commuting (for people who are attending school or day care)

6.36 In what city and federation unit (state) or foreign country are you attending school (or day care)?

[] 1 This municipality (If the person is 10 years or older, go to 6.37. Otherwise, skip to 6.70)
[] 2 In another municipality

6.361 Federation Unit _ _ _
6.363 Municipality _ _ _

[] 3 In a foreign country

6.365 Foreign country _ _ _

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Commuting to School
For residents attending school or day care

Gather information about a person's school commute between different municipalities and/or foreign countries.

The information for the next question should refer to the answer of question 6.29.

6:36 - In what municipality and state or foreign country are you attending school (or daycare)?

Depending on the situation, record:
1 - This municipality: When a person goes to school or daycare in the same municipality where he/she resides.
2 - In another municipality: When a person goes to school or day care in another municipality than the one where he/she resides. Make sure you select the state and the municipality. If he/she does not know the state, select Does not know state for the state. If he/she does not know the municipality, select Does not know municipality for the municipality.
3 - In a foreign country: When a person goes to school or day care in a foreign country, select the country. If the person does not know the country, enter Does not know foreign country.

[page 226]

In specific cases, if the person cannot answer the question, enter Does not know state or foreign country. In this case, you must click on answer 2 - In another municipality and select the text in the state drop down menu.