Questionnaire Text

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For women 10 years old and older (born up to July 7, 1990)
[Applies to questions 4.62 - 4.67]

4.67 How many children were born dead by July 31, 2000?

_ _ 2 males
_ _ 4 females
_ _ 6 total
[] 0 none

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

For women age 10 or over (born on or before 07/31/1990)
[Applies to questions 4.62 - 4.67]

Question 4.67 - How many stillborn children had you had on or before July 31, 2000?

Consider as a stillborn child one resulting from a pregnancy of seven (7) months or longer who, after separation from the mother's body, showed no signs of life, such as breathing, heartbeat, pulsing of the umbilical cord, etc.

Do not include fetal deaths (abortions, miscarriages, etc.) occurred to fetuses with less than seven (7) months of pregnancy, that is, 28 weeks.

Note that a child born alive but which died during the first hours of life should be recorded as born alive.

Record by sex the number of stillborn children had on or before July 31, 2000.

If the stillborn children were all of the same sex, record 0 (zero) in the field corresponding to the other sex.

Record the total number only when the person does not know the sex of at least one of the stillborn children, and leave the fields referring to sex blank.

Mark None when the person had not had any stillborn children on or before July 31, 2000.

[pg. 135]

To conclude the interview, the Enumerator should make a review of the data that was filled out and thank the respondent for his or her cooperation, and should not forget to have the person sign his or her name at the end of the questionnaire, according to the following instructions:

  • the person responsible for the declarations should sign the questionnaire with a ballpoint pen; and
  • if the respondent is unable to sign, enter his or her name preceded by the expression "A R O G O".