Questionnaire Text

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For women 10 years old and older (born up to July 7, 1990)
[Applies to questions 4.62 - 4.67]

4.65 What was the date of birth (or presumed age) of the last child born alive by July 31, 2000?

_ _ 1
_ _ _ _ 2
_ _ 3

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

For women age 10 or over (born on or before 07/31/1990)
[Applies to questions 4.62 - 4.67]

Question 4.65 - What was the date of birth (or presumed age) of the last child born alive on or before July 31, 2000?

Record the month and, with four digits, the year of birth of the last child born alive on or before July 31, 2000. If it is not possible to obtain the month and year of birth after having exhausted all efforts, record the presumed age.

[pg. 134]

If the age is less than one (1) year, record 0 (zero), leaving the fields of month and year blank.

Note: In this question, the month should not be completed with zeros.

The entry of presumed age for those of less than one (1) year should be very rare and admissible only in exceptional cases.