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61. Gross monthly income for the month of August 1990, or monthly average of other sources of income that don't fall into any of the abovementioned categories, such as rents, leases, donations, capital earnings, etc.
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Question 61 - Gross income from the month of august, 1990, or monthly average from other income that cannot be classified into any of the categories listed above - rentals, leasing, donations, use of capital, etc.
I - The fixed income earned in the month of August, 1990, deriving from:

a) Renting or sub-renting, leasing or subleasing, sale of right to use of real estate (house, apartment, land, pasture, winter pasture, factory, store, etc.), vehicle, machine or other movable property. Maintenance, collection and condominium expenses should be deducted from the income, as well as taxes and fees levied directly on the property through which the income was obtained (property tax, trash collection fee, etc.).
In this question, do not consider income deriving from the business where the person works, rentals of vehicles, machines, real estate, etc. This income will be recorded in Question 56 or 57, as the case may be (income from work).
b) Family salary;

[p. 95]
c) Alimony (spontaneous or legally demanded);
d) Longevity bonus (pé-na-cova).

Additional wage or pension deriving from private funds (PREVI, PETROS, ITAUBANCO, SIAS, etc.); and
Amounts regularly received from donations or allowance without corresponding work having been exercised, deriving from a non-resident of the household being surveyed.
The rent or monthly installment normally paid by a non-resident of the household should be considered as a donation, provided the household is not ceded. Allowances or donations deriving from a resident of the household being enumerated will not be included in questions on income.
II - The average of the last 12 months, corrected for inflation, for income deriving from:

a) Profits earned by an owner or partner [sócio] of limited liability companies when, due to the ownership of shares, said profits are distributed in the form of dividends or more shares; and
b) Earnings derived from investments in savings accounts, exchange bonds, real-estate bonds, stocks and public debt securities, fixed-maturation deposits, debentures, shares, etc., in the form of interest, monetary correction, discounts, premiums, etc.

The criteria for recording are the same as those set forth in Question 56.
Note - On CD 1.01 - Basic Questionnaire, Question 8 - Gross Monthly Income of the Head of the Household
Record the sum total of all income described in Questions 56, 57, 60 and 61, from CD 1.02 - Sample Questionnaire - corresponding to the Head of the household.