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52. Locale of work in the occupation declared in question 46
At home:
[] 1 without specific locale
[] 2 with specific locale
Public roadways:
[] 3 with heavy equipment
[] 4 with light equipment or no equipment
[] 5 agricultural/fisheries
[] 6 business or firm
[] 7 in the home of client or boss
[] 8 other

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Question 52 - Workplace where the occupation declared in question 46 is exercised
1 - In the household - without an exclusive place - for persons who exercise their occupation in manufacturing, selling objects or rendering services in their own household without having a place reserved exclusively for this purpose, such as seamstresses, manicures, hairdressers, liberal professionals, etc., who use their own living room [p. 89] or dining room, a bedroom, a kitchen, etc., to exercise their occupation. Domestic employees who sleep in their employer's homes are not included in this case.
2 - In the household - with an exclusive place - for persons who exercise their occupation in manufacturing, selling objects or rendering services in their own household in an exclusive place for this purpose. Include persons who exercise their occupation a non-household unit separated by walls or floors and that have direct access or communication with their household, even if there is also independent access.
Example: a liberal professional who has an office in her house reserved exclusively for this purpose; craftsmen such as carpenters, mechanics and others who exercise their work in a workshop, garage, etc., adapted in the backyard; manufacturers, commercial traders, hairdressers, bar owners, etc. who use a non-residential unit - a store, ground floor, etc. - with direct connection to the household;
3 - Public thoroughfare with heavy equipment - for persons who exercise their occupation without being related to an establishment, company, institution, etc. working on public streets, either as owners or employees, using heavy equipment such as trucks, utility vehicles, taxis, farm wagons, newspaper stands, etc.;
4 - Public thoroughfare - with light equipment or without equipment - for persons who exercise their occupation without being related to an establishment, business, institution, etc. working on a public thoroughfare, whether an owner or employee, using light equipment or without equipment, such as a stand, cart, table, tools, etc.
Example: street market vendors, popcorn man, ice-cream seller, automobile guards, etc.;
5 - Farming and cattle raising property - a person who exercises his or her occupation in a farming or animal-raising establishment or for plant or mineral extraction;
6 - Company or firm - for persons who exercise their occupation for a company, business, institution, etc., such as a bank, factory, school, etc. Persons who work for an establishment and perform their work in households or on public streets are included in this category, for example: machinery or equipment technicians (authorized technical services), mailmen, garbage collectors, etc.;
7 - At the homes of clients or employers - for persons who exercise their occupation at the home of clients or employers, such as [p. 90] maids or self-employed workers such as plumbers, manicures, television technicians or those who participate in an economic activity carried out by their employer or partner in this latter's household; or
8 - Other - for persons who exercise their work at non-enumerated places, such as self-employed fishermen, crab catchers, etc.