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46. Occupation, profession, task, function, etc., that was exercised for the longest time. (If changed occupations definitively note current occupation)

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Question 46 - What occupation, profession, position, function, etc. the person regularly exercised during the last 12 months or during part them
This entry will be for the usual occupation that the enumerated person exercised between 9/1/1989 and 8/31/1990.
Usual occupation is considered that exercised during most of the referred period.
When a person has changed occupations and intends this change to be permanent, the occupation he or she exercised last will be recorded, regardless of the time spent on each during this period. Included in this case are persons who changed occupations or functions due to promotion or change in career, such as:
1st case - A farm worker who emigrated to the city and went to work as a hod carrier in the construction of a building;
2nd case - A billing clerk in an industrial company who was promoted to Accounting Technician;
3rd case - An office helper at a bank who was promoted to the position of cashier.

When the person has changed occupations, but the change is transitory due to circumstantial or seasonal factors, [p. 76] the usual occupation will be entered and not the transitory occupation, such as:
1st case - For a farm worker who, during the time between planting and harvesting, worked in a village as a stone mason, woodcutter, etc., record, as the case may be, Hoe worker, Cotton picker, etc.;
2nd case - For a farm worker who, during certain periods, works at a machine at a sugar plant, etc., the occupation of farm worker will be recorded;
3rd case - For a driver who, unable to work in his profession, is exercising some other occupation until he is again able to work as a driver, the occupation of Driver will be recorded;
4th case - For a specialized worker who, when unable to find a placement in his or her profession, is exercising another occupation, will be recorded, as the case may be: Welder, Cabinet maker, Weaver, etc.

When the person simultaneously exercises different occupations, the main occupation should be recorded.
Main occupation is considered that which occupies the greatest number of the person's hours per week or, if this number is the same, that which provides the highest income, such as:
[Type] /Occupation / Hours / Income Cr$
Main / Teacher / 24 / 1,200.00
Secondary / Doctor / 12 / 3,000.00
Main / Journalist / 21 / 4,000.00
Secondary / Lawyer / 21 / 2,000.00
For persons on vacation or on leave, even if they were exercising another occupation, the usual occupation will be recorded and not that exercised temporarily during vacation or leave.
Occupation should not be confused with professional specialization. For example, for a commercial director with a degree in economics, or a high school teacher with a degree in medicine, the entries will be, respectively: Commercial director and High school teacher.
[p. 77]
Vague or generic answers which do not correctly characterize the person's occupation must not be recorded.
[List of examples on page 77 was not translated into English]
For employees and for persons who are Self-employed or without remuneration, the occupation, profession, position, function, etc., which they exercised, will be recorded.
If the person is engaged in farming, either individually or only with the help of a resident of the household who [p. 78] is not paid for the work, record respectively Field hand or Animal raiser.
If the person has a commercial establishment, individually or only with the help of a non-remunerated person, record Commercial businessman.
Liberal professionals (Doctors, Dentists, Lawyers, Engineers, etc.), who employ up to 2 attendants or nurses in their offices should record their profession.
For Employers (partners or tenants) who are owners of establishments, firms or companies where they work (condition of being owner and employer), the entry should indicate this condition, such as Ranch owner, Chicken-farm owner, Owner of industry, Store owner, Barbershop owner, Clinic owner, Transportation company owner, etc.
Below are some examples to better clarify these situations:
Situation: Barbershop employee
Correct entry: Barber
Situation: Barber, barbershop owner, working only with the help of a non-remunerated son or daughter
Correct entry: Barber
Situation: Barber, working with his father without receiving remuneration
Correct entry: Barber
Situation: Barber, barbershop owner working with the help of employees
Correct entry: Barbershop owner