Questionnaire Text

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[Questions 31 to 34 were asked of those who live or have lived in the company of a spouse, common-law husband or wife, etc.]

31. If answer to question 30 was 1, indicate the month and year entered into first union

_ _ month
_ _ year
[] 13 don't remember

34. If responded to question 32 indicate the month and year the current union began. If responded to question 33, indicate the month or year that indicated situation began.

_ _ month
_ _ year
[] 13 don't remember

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

Question 34 - Indicate the month and year when the current conjugal state began
For persons who marked one of the boxes in Question 32, the month and year when the person began living with the current spouse will be recorded.
For persons who marked one of the boxes of Question 33, record the month and year when the indicated situation began.
When the number of the month is less than 10, complete with a zero to the left.
When the person is unable to say exactly or does not remember the month or year, mark Box 13 - Does not remember.