Questionnaire Text

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3. Family relationship or relationship with head of household
[] 1 head
[] 2 spouse
[] 3 child
[] 4 stepchild
[] 5 father or mother
[] 6 mother or father in law
[] 7 grandparent/great grandparent
[] 8 grandchild
[] 9 daughter- or son-in-law
[] 10 brother or sister
[] 11 sister- or brother-in-law
[] 12 other relative
[] 13 person who has permanent residence in the domicile, without being a relative, boarder or employee (agregado)
[] 14 boarder
[] 15 domestic servant

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Question 3 - Kinship or relationship with the head of the household
Mark the box corresponding to the relationship between each member of the family and the person responsible for the family in the household to which he or she belongs.
The entries regarding condition in the household and condition in the family should comply with the following criteria:
1 - Head - person (man or woman) responsible for the household or family;
2 - Spouse - person (man or woman) who lives conjugally with the Head of the household or Head of the family, whether or not there is a matrimonial bond;
3 - Child - including adopted and foster children;
4 - Stepson or stepdaughter - a son or daughter only of the spouse, even if the spouse has died or does not live in the household;
5 - Father or mother - including stepfather and stepmother;
6 - Father-in-law or mother-in-law - even if not a relative of the current spouse;
7 - Grandfather, grandmother, great-grandfather or great-grandmother - including only of the spouse;
8 - Grandson, granddaughter, great-grandson or great-granddaughter - including only of the spouse;
9 - Son-in-law or daughter-in-law - including only of the spouse;
10 - Sibling;
11 - Brother-in-law or sister-in-law - even if not a relative of the current spouse;
12 - Other relative - nephew, niece, uncle, aunt, cousin, including only of the spouse;
13 - Agregado - a person who has fixed residence in the household without being a relative, boarder, domestic employee or relative of the employee, and does not pay for lodgings;
14 - Boarder - a person who, without being a relative, has fixed residence in the household and pays for lodgings;
15 - Domestic employee - a person who provides remunerated domestic services to residents of the household;
16 - Relative of employee - a person who is a relative of a domestic employee and who does not exercise remunerated domestic work for residents in the household. This designation is not shown in Question 3 of CD 1.02 because, in the composition of the family, a relative of a domestic employee is a member of the domestic employee's family.

[p. 56]
In collective dwellings, Box 20 - Individual will always be marked for persons who live alone. For families, the relationship or dependence will always be in relation to the Head of the family, both in Question 2 and in Question 3.