Questionnaire Text

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The following questions are to be filled out for those with electricity
[Applies to questions 22 - 27]

22. Refrigerator

[] 1 1 door
[] 2 more than one door
[] 0 don't have

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The following questions will only be filled out for households that have electric lighting with or without a meter.
[Applies to questions 22 - 27]

Question 22 - Refrigerator

1 - 1 door - when the household only has (1 or more) single-door electric refrigerators;
2 - More than 1 door - when there is an electric refrigerator with two or more doors in the household, only this box will be marked, even if there is another, one-door, refrigerator; or
0 - Does not have - when there is no electric refrigerator in the household, even if there is a gas or kerosene refrigerator.