Questionnaire Text
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9. Monthly rent (in Cr$=cruzeiros)
[] 0 don't pay rent
_ _ _ _ _ _ Cr$
Questionnaire instructions
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Question 9 - Monthly rent
Mark Box 0 - Does not pay rent - for a dwelling where some box other than No. 3 (Rented) was marked in Question 8.
For rented dwellings (Question 8, Box 3), record the value of the rent that the family paid or should have paid pay in the month of August, 1990, for occupying the residence. Do not include condominium fees, taxes, light, water, insurance, etc., even if they are part of the rent.
Record the amount in Cruzeiros according to the fields reserved for such, disregarding centavos.
[p. 48]
No. of digits - In this field record the number of digits that comprise the declaration of the amount of the rent.
E.g., Cr$ 2,456.50 Number of digits: 4 Cr$ 2,456.00