Questionnaire Text

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The following questions are to be filled out only for the person 10 years or older
[Applies to questions 25 -49]

40. If in question 33, responded employee or partner employee, how many annual salaries person received

[] 2 12
[] 3 13
[] 4 14
[] 5 15
[] 6 16 or more
[] 0 not employed

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

The following questions will only be filled out for persons age 10 or over, that is, those born before September 1, 1970.

[Applies to questions 25-49]

Question 29 - If the person answered yes in Question 28, mark Box 0 (zero) and go on to Question 30. If he or she answered no, indicate the appropriate situation or occupation, following the numbered order, and then go on to Question 46

When the answer to Question 28 is yes, the Box - Worked - will be marked and the following questions will be answered.
When the answer to Question 28 is no, one of Boxes 1 to 9 will be marked, as the case may be; Question 46 will then be asked, and Questions 30 to 45 will be left blank.
If the person can be classified into more than one of the situations presented, the first in the order presented will be marked. For these, consider:

Looking for work - Already worked - a person who had worked before 9/1/1979, is willing to work, and has taken some measure in the last 2 months to find work, specifically: made contact with employers, employment agencies, labor unions or the like; asked relatives, friends or colleagues; looked for a job in want ads, etc.; this category includes those who have found work and are waiting to be called or who have signed up for a selection process;
Looking for work - Never worked - a person who never worked but is willing to work and who, in recent months, took at least one of the measures described in the preceding item;
Retired or pensioner - a person who receives income resulting from retirement from work which he or she exercised at an earlier date (retired, etc.) or who receives a pension from a government pension or social assistance fund left upon the death of a person upon whom he or she was dependent. A person who, retired during the reference period (9/1/1979 to 8/31/1980), should not be considered as retired. In this case yes will be marked in Question 28, - the declared [occupation], and the occupation exercised upon retirement, in Question 30.
Lives on earnings - a person who lives only on earnings arising from use of capital or property of which he or she has usus fructus, such as rent from real estate, movable items, etc., interest from stocks and bonds, dividends, etc.;
Prisoner - serving sentence, even if he or she exercises an occupation in the prison;
Student - a person who did not work nor looked for work, does not live on earnings, nor was a prisoner, and was attending some course among those listed in Questions 21 or 22;
Sick or invalid - a person who cannot work due to illness or permanent disability, but is not on leave from work, retired, living on earnings, in prison or a student;
Domestic chores - a person who only works caring for the house where he or she lives; or
No occupation - a person who does not want to work or who, although desiring to work, stopped looking because he or she failed to find any job and does not fit into any of the above categories.