Questionnaire Text

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The following questions are to be filled out only for the person 10 years or older
[Applies to questions 25 -49]

28. Worked in last 12 months (Sept 1, 1979- Aug 31, 1980)

[] 1- yes
[] 3- no

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

The following questions will only be filled out for persons age 10 or over, that is, those born before September 1, 1970.

[Applies to questions 25-49]

Question 28 - Worked during the last 12 months (9/1/1979 to 8/31/1980)

This question is intended to identify if the person worked during the last 12 months, that is, between September 1, 1979 and August 31, 1980.
Yes will be marked for persons who, during the entire preceding 12-month period or part of same, exercised work for monetary remuneration and/or products or merchandise, including persons on paid leave with remuneration for illness (receiving temporary pension from the Federal Social Security Institute [INAMPS], scholarship, etc., and those without remuneration who regularly worked 15 hours or more per week in an economic activity, helping a person with whom he or she resided or an institution of charity or a cooperative, or as an apprentice, trainee, etc.
The following will also answer Yes:

a) persons who exercised seasonal or intermittent work during the last 12 months, as is the case of farm workers who only worked during planting, cutting or harvesting time, pickers, gatherers or breakers of extractive plant products, etc.
b) women who, having worked during any part of the last 12 months, ceased to work due to marriage, childbirth, etc.; or
c) persons retired during the last 12 months even if they currently do not exercise an economic occupation.

The box no will be marked for persons who, during the entire period between 9/1/1979 and 8/31/1980, had only one or more of the following situations: exercised domestic chores in the home, studied, lived on earnings from retirement or from investment of capital, were imprisoned and serving sentence, sick or invalid without being on leave from work, unemployed without having found work, or did not work because they did not want to.