Questionnaire Text

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(The following questions are only for permanent private households)

11. Duration of residence

1 months _ _
3 years _ _

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Question 11 - Time of Residence

This question is asked in order to ascertain how long the person has lived in the household. Count the time which has passed between the date of the move to the household and the date of reference for the Census, in full years or months.
The information should refer to the person who has lived in the household for the longest time.
Record with two digits, as the case may be:
1 _ _ - the number of months, when the resident who has lived in the household for the longest time has been there less than 1 year; when he or she has lived there for less than 1 month, record 00 (two zeros). When the person has lived there for over 1 year, there will be no entry in this field; or
3 _ _ - the number of years, when the resident who has lived in the household for the longest time has been there one year or longer - when he or she has lived there for less than 1 year, no entry will be made in this field.