Questionnaire Text

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(The following questions are only for permanent private households)

10. Monthly rent (in Cr$=cruzeiros)

[] 9 don't pay rent

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Question 10 - Rent or Monthly Installments

- the amount of the rent, occupation fee or monthly installment that the family paid in the month of August, 1980, for occupying the property (not including condo fees, light, gas, water, taxes, etc., even if they are part of the rent); or
Does not pay - mark this box when no rent, occupation fee or monthly installment is paid. Included in this case are dwellings already paid for, and ceded dwellings where only condo fees, water, light, etc. are paid, and those where the rent includes the non-residential part as well as the dwelling.

[p. 36]

Entries should be made beyond the vertical line, disregarding the fractions of Cruzeiro.
(e.g., record 2 445 and not 2 445.50).

Note - For families with rent or installments in arrears, record the amount of the rent or installment, which should have been paid in August.