Questionnaire Text

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1. Family
[] 1 Single
[] 0E Individual
Multiple family (convivente):
[] 2 Principal
[] 3E Related
[] 4E Not related

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Question 1 - Family

Record, according to type:

Single - in private dwelling occupied by a single family and on the Census forms of families living in collective dwellings;

[p. 54]

Individual - on the Census forms referring to unrelated persons [pessoas avulsas] enumerated in collective dwellings (in this case the remaining questions will not be filled out);
Main family of multiple-family household - on the Census forms referring to families whose Heads are the owners, tenants or responsible for the Private dwelling where more than one family live;
Related family of multiple-family household - on the Census forms referring to secondary families, when, among these and the main family there exist ties of kinship (in this case the remaining questions will not be filled out).
Non-related family of multiple-family household - on the Census forms referring to secondary families, when, among these and the main family there are no ties of kinship (in this case the remaining questions will not be filled out).