Questionnaire Text

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Only for people 10 years and older
[Applies to questions 18 - 22]

22. If person doesn't work, nor seeks work, what is the occupation or situation that he/she considers principal?

[] 0 domestic affairs
[] 1 student
[] 2 retired
[] 3 lives on rent income
[] 4 sick or invalid
[] 5 imprisoned
[] 6 no occupation
[] 7 working or seeking work

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Question 22 - If respondent neither works nor is looking for work, what occupation or situation does he or she consider the main one?

(Only for persons age 10 or over)


a) one of the following situations for those who neither exercise an occupation nor are looking for work:

[p. 42]

Domestic chores - A person who renders domestic services at home, without remuneration.
Student - a person who is attending school;
Retired - a person who receives income resulting from retirement from work which he or she exercised at an earlier date (retired, etc.) or who receives a pension from a government pension or social assistance fund left upon the death of a person upon whom he or she was dependent;
Lives on earnings - a person who earns income deriving from investment of his or her own capital;
Sickness or disability - a person who did not work during the year preceding the date of the Census due to illness, or temporary or permanent disability, without being retired or living on earnings. Persons age 70 or over who do not exercise an occupation should be included in this category;
Prisoner - Serving sentence, even if he or she exercises an occupation in the prison;
Unoccupied - a person who does not exercise an occupation, even though he or she is able to do so. Persons who are able to work, but who live on donations, help from others, etc., are included in this category.

b) Works or is looking for work - a person who exercises an economic occupation, that is, one which is practiced in order to receive payment in cash or kind (part of the products obtained from exercising agricultural, extractive or industrial activity) and a person who is looking for work, even if he or she has never worked before.

Work exercised by members of the family of the owners or partners of a company is also considered an economic occupation, even if no remuneration is received, as well as work exercised by religious people (priests, ministers, friars, nuns, etc.).