Questionnaire Text

Venezuela 1971
Venezuela 1981
Venezuela 1990
Venezuela 2001
Venezuela 1971 — source variable VE1971A_BPLSTATE — State of birth
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8. Were you born in this country or abroad?

[] 1-2 In this country -- if in this country, fill 8a to 8c
[] 3 Abroad (skip to 8d)
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5.36. Country of birth (column 8).

This question is asked to every person regardless of age or sex. If the person was born in Venezuela mark the box "in country" (1-2) and ask the name of the Federal Entity (State, Federal District, or Territory) where born. Write the name [p. 55] clearly (or abbreviating with the first three letters) in the space provided. If the person was born abroad, mark the box "abroad" (3) and ask for the name of the country, territory or foreign area of birth. Write the name clearly in the space provided.

Venezuela 1981 — source variable VE1981A_BPL — State or country of birth
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5. Where were you born?
In Venezuela

____ State
____ Municipality -- Go on to question 8


____ Country

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Question 5

-- Where was the person born?

This question requests the place of birth of the interviewed person, whether it is in Venezuela or abroad. In the case that is in Venezuela, the state and municipality is indicated and questions 6 and 7 are skipped. Only the country of birth is indicated for those born abroad and then question 6 is asked.

Venezuela 1990 — source variable VE1990A_BPL — State or country of birth
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For all individuals:
[Questions 1-10 -- are for all person]

5. Born in:

[] This same state -- Go on to question 10
[] Another state

____ Which? -- Go on to question 10

[] Another country

____ Which one?

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Questions 1-10 -- are for all persons

Every person in the household should be asked these questions.

-- In the case of people who are absent or of small children, ask the Head of Household or the person who can give the most reliable information.

Question No.5

[Place of birth]
[The instructions refer to a graphic of section VI, question 5 on the census form.]

-- Read the question and the possible answers and fill in the cell corresponding to the answer:

-- If the answer is this same state, go to Question No.8.

-- If the answer is another state

Ask which state and write down the answer in the space provided.
Go to Question No.8.

-- If the answer is another country

Ask which country and write down the answer in the space provided.
Go to the next question.

Venezuela 2001 — source variable VE2001A_BPL — State or country of birth
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4. Was he/she born in Venezuela?
[] Yes
[] In this same state
[] In another state in the country. Which?

[] Federal District
[] Amazonas
[] Anzoátequi
[] Apure
[] Aragua
[] Barina
[] Bolívar
[] Barabobo
[] Cojedes
[] Delta Amacuro
[] Falcón
[] Guárico
[] Lara
[] Mérida
[] Miranda
[] Monagas
[] Nueva Esparta
[] Portuguesa
[] Sucre
[] Táchira
[] Trujillo
[] Vargas
[] Yaracuy
[] Zulia
[] Federal Dependencies

Continue with question 7 [if the person was born in another state within Venezuela.]

[] No: continue with question 5

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4.2 Place of birth

Place of birth information is principally used to investigate internal migration and is crossed with the place of usual residence. This information permits the classification of the population who resides within the national territory as either Born in Venezuela or Born abroad.

Place of birth refers to the geographical place where the enumerated person was born. For the purposes of the census, the enumerated person's place of birth, to the level of Federal Entity [State], is requested of those born in Venezuela; for those born abroad, the corresponding country of birth, province, department or region, is requested as well as the year of arrival to Venezuela.