Questionnaire Text

Paraguay 1982
Paraguay 1992
Paraguay 2002
Paraguay 1982 — source variable PY1982A_BPLDIST — District of birth
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6. Where were you born?
If born in Paraguay write the District
If born abroad, write the country

____ District
____ Country

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I. For all persons. General characteristics

Question 7. In what year did you settle in Paraguay?

Write down the year that they settled in Paraguay

[A depiction of question 7 to the right of the preceding text and a drawing of a man below the text is omitted here.]

The date of arrival of foreigners to the country refers to the date on which they came to settle in Paraguay. Other trips that they might have made, for reasons of business, tourist visits, or to visit relatives, do not count.

Paraguay 1992 — source variable PY1992A_BPL3 — District of birth
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Section IV. Population information

7. Where were you born?

(Place where the mother was living at the time of the enumerated person's birth)
Mark "here" if born in this place, if not, mark "other place" and write the name of the district and the department. If born abroad, write the name of the country and the year of arrival as a permanent resident in Paraguay. (If a tourist, write 98 in "year of arrival")

[] 1 Here
[] 6 Other place

____ District
____ Department or country
_ _ Year of arrival

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Question 7: Where was he/she born?

This refers to the place where the mother of the person being enumerated lived when the person being enumerated was born. You should not confuse the geographic location, for example, the hospital, the maternity hospital, or another place where the mother went to give birth to her child.

7. Where was he/she born?

(The place where the mother lived when the person being enumerated was born. Mark "here" if he/she was born in this place, if not, mark "other place", and write the name of the district and the department. If he/she was born in another country, write the name of the country and year of arrival in Paraguay to stay here. If he/she is a tourist, write 98 for "year of arrival".)

[x] 1 Here
[] 6 Other place
District ____
Department or country ____
Year of arrival [ _ _ ]

Example: If he/she was born in the National Maternity [hospital] and his/her mother lived in San Lorenzo, you should consider that the place of birth is San Lorenzo and not Asunción.

[page] 27

Mark "here" if he/she was born in the place where you are enumerating, without noting district or department. If it is not the case, mark "another place" and write the name of the district and the department in the blank spaces.

If he/she was born in another country, write the country and the year of arrival to stay in Paraguay. If he/she is a tourist, write the country of origin and as year of arrival, write 98.

Paraguay 2002 — source variable PY2002A_BPLDIST — District of birth
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Population Information

Chapter E. For all persons.

Enumerator: Keep in mind the following instructions for questions 7, 8 and 9:

a. Mark "in this place" if referring to the same district in which the person is being enumerated;

b. Mark "in another place" if referring to another district, and specify the name of the district, whether it is a city/town or company [compañía]/colony [colonia]/indigenous community, and the name of the department.

c. If you marked "in another country," write the name of the country.

8. Where did your mother live when you were born?

(Write the place where the mother of the person who is being enumerated lived.)

[] 1 In this place - Go on to chapter F
[] 2 In another part of the country
____ District
[] 1 City/town
[] 6 Company [compañía]/colony [colonia]/indigenous community
____ Department
[] 3 In another country
____ Country
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D. List of persons

E. Population information for all persons

Before enumerating each of the members of the household, you should note the order number, the name and last name and relationship on the page that corresponds to each of them in the same order as chapter D (Question 28). After registering all of the persons, you should complete the information for each of them, beginning with the head of household, male or female.

Question 8: Where did your mother live when you were born?

You should always refer to the place of residency of the mother of the person whose information you are taking.

Part 2 should only be completed if the district is different from the district where you are enumerating and you should not forget to mark the circle.

Do not forget to write the year of arrival of the person being enumerated, in the case where his/her mother had been living "in another country".