Questionnaire Text

Guinea 1983
Guinea 1996
Guinea 2014
Guinea 1983 — source variable GN1983A_BPL — Place of birth
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Section E. Demographic characteristics of the whole population (individual characteristics)
[No label "E" on the questionnaire]

8. Place of birth

____ The province [Région administrative] for all the persons who were born in the Revolutionnary People's Republic of Guinea [République Populaire Révolutionnaire de Guinée]
____ The country of birth for the persons born in other countries

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Column (7): Place of Birth
115. If the enumerated person declares to be born in the Revolutionary People's Republic of Guinea, write the name of the region where the person was born.

116. If the person was born outside of Guinea, write the name of the foreign country: France, Senegal, USSR, etc. or Republic of Mali, to distinguish the foreign country from the "Mali" region in Guinea.

Guinea 1996 — source variable GN1996A_BPL — Prefecture or country of birth
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P07 Place of birth ____
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Column P07: Place of Birth
For the purposes of the census, for "place of birth" you should indicate, for persons born in the Republic of Guinea, the prefecture that they were born in. For those [born] outside of the Republic of Guinea, you should indicate the name of their country of birth. Using a series of 2 questions, you should be able to gather the information you are looking for.

For example: "Were you born in the Republic of Guinea?" Yes/No
If the answer is "Yes," ask the following question: "In which prefecture?"
If the answer is "No," ask the following question: "In which country?"

Note: For all persons born in Conakry, write "Conakry." If the person does not know the answer, it is possible to use a written document (birth certificate, national identity card, passport, etc.) to obtain the information.

In particular, if such a document has already been presented to you during the data collection related to the date of birth, take advantage of this to take down the place of birth at the same time. Also take down the prefecture if the person was born in Guinea, or the country if he/she was born outside of Guinea. To record the answer you receive in the questionnaire, write out completely and very legibly the name of the prefecture of [ ] or the [name] of the country of birth in the space provided.

It is possible that an individual might indicate he/she was born in Guinea without being able to specify the prefecture in which he/she was born. In this case write: "Guinea" without any further details. In the same way, if an individual says he/she was born outside of Guinea without being able to specify which country of [birth], rather than leave the space blank (i.e., undeclared answer) write [country un]specified.

Note: To distinguish between Mali, a prefecture in Guinea, and Mali, the Republic of Mali, follow these specific guidelines:

a) For people born in the prefecture of Mali, write "pref. de Mali";
b) For people born in the Republic of Mali write "Rep. du Mali."

Guinea 2014 — source variable GN2014A_BPLPREF — Prefecture or country of birth
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III. Individual characteristics

All members of the household
[Questions P00 through P12 were asked of all members of the household.]

P06. Place of birth

Where was [the respondent] born?

If in Guinea, write the name of the prefecture. If abroad, enter the name of the country.

[] Guinea
Prefecture ____
[] Abroad
Country ____

Guinea 2014 — source variable COUNTRY — Country

No questionnaire text is available for this sample.